Disc room is one of the most frustrating games i've ever played. The level design can either be very fun and clever or straight up bullshit. Just like the levels the gameplay can either be super fun and challenging or so challenging it makes you wanna eat a microwave. It's incredibly inconsistent which is why I only gave it a 5/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #25

By far the most surprised i've ever been by a game. I heard solid things but I had never even heard of the series 1 week before playing. Anyways this game absolutely slaps. The characters are very charming and funny. The standouts are Raz and ford, they both get tons of development in the story. The other characters don't get tons of screen time like the other interns and the other leader guys but the leaders apparently got more in psychonauts 1. Also this game has a major story plot twist and its actually really good.
Now onto the gameplay. The puzzles and combat were both very fun, the different powers were all pretty unique but some were much better then others. The platforming is also solid. But the best part of this game is the level design. So many creative and unique levels and so many memorable ones. I love the jack black level and the bottle one but there are so many bangers. I know this review is super long but I never really talk about this game and I absolutely love it easy 9/10 please play.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #24

I've heard people say this is one of the best games they've ever played, and like no its not THAT good but yes it is actually really good. The game mixes an excellent cast of characters with some super fun gameplay. The open world feels vast and extremely fun to mess around in. The story isnt the greatest and some of the missions and side stuff can be repetitive but overall this game is great and tons of fun. I haven't played Watch dogs 1 and I don't plan on it and I played legion but never 100% it. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #23

1 hour long informal game about space and nasa and shit. This was back when I ONLY played games for the 100%. Now I just play games that I want to play while getting the 100%. Anyway this game sucks but atleast its educational. 2/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #22

Probably worst game i've ever played. Not funny at all and its trying so hard to be. The art style sucks and its animated terribly. Its legit just an ugly looking game. Thank god its super short otherwise I would never have played this garbage. 1/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #21

Im a sucker for text novel games like danganronpa and phoenix wright but I also really like mystery games, so this game was perfect for me. I really like a lot of the characters and the story is also written pretty well. While there is some pretty cringe shit and it can be weird, I enjoyed this game a lot and I have the 2nd one in my backlog. 9/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #20

I know the rating is only a 8/10 but I fucking love this game. The hilarious characters, the unique and fun environment, the weird but very intriguing story. I love almost everything about this game and its very often one of the games I recommend the most to my friends. The only parts I don't love are the ending and the plot twists. I know some people really liked it and it did really change up a lot but it tainted the game I found cozy and fun in a bad light. Anyway I love this game 8/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #19

A short puzzle platformer with a couple cool ideas but honestly its very forgettable. The story is good and definetily the best part of the game but overall its just kinda boring. 5/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #18

Artful escape is yet another short but sweet indie game. Its filled with tons of life and personality. The main focus of the game is on music and honestly the music in this game is great. The visuals are also amazing and I really like some of the characters. The gameplay is pretty mid but the game is still pretty good. 7/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #17

Pretty calm and relaxing builder game that is actually really fun to mess around in for a few hours but after a bit it gets somewhat boring.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #16

silly ass game that has some fun ideas but gets boring really quickly. I only really played it for the 100% and the ending was rlly fun but other than that it was mid.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #15

Very short indie game, but I actually had tons of fun with this game and I kinda want them to make another. If you havent played this then you definitely should.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #14

Short but sweet. Very interesting game to play and its so short its hard not to recommend. The gameplay is mid but the story makes up for it, 8/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #13

Decent point and click game with a really really fun and interesting first half but a super slow and boring second half. Ez 100 tho, 5/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #12

Silly ass game with really frustrating gameplay but like a really easy 100% so thats the only reason i played it. 3/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #11