The gardens between is a simple relaxing puzzle game about two people. I enjoy the characters and the ending is fantastic. But the gameplay wasn't always very good there were some very frustrating areas. Not a bad game and a decent one but i'll give it a 6/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #41


How on earth can you not love this game. I'm not even a cat person, I like dogs way more but this game executes playing as a cat perfectly. You feel like a cat, the cat purrs, scratches, sleeps, rubs against people legs, and does normal cat things. Stray is an incredibly immerse and beautiful game. It has some of the most beautiful scenery i've ever seen. From the starting area to the bright night cities. The game is absolute peak and while there are some minor issues I have with the platforming, I still think this game is just an amazing time. 9/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #40

I love south park, I think its one of the best comedy shows and this game is a perfect adaptation. It feels as if your just playing as a character in a south park episode. The characters all act exactly like they do in the show and the game is full of memorable cameos. The gameplay isn't the strongest but I still enjoyed most battles and I like how you battle with an ally. Overall this game is just a solid fun game and the sequel has been on my backlog for ages. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #39

Undertale is known to be amazing, but for me it was just not my type of game. I'm not a fan of the art style and the gameplay is really boring. I will admit some of the characters are really cool like papyrus and sans but I just dont love this game. I gave it a 5/10 rating because i'm not gonna call it bad when I know it's just not for me.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #37

I love superhero games and Guardians of the galaxy is a great one. I love the gotg movies and I wasn't excited to play the game. I hadn't heard much about it and Marvels avengers sucked so I didn't have insanely high expectation but I ended up enjoying it way more than expected. The characters are amazing and I really like these versions of the guardians. The story is pretty good too. I liked the gameplay but it got very repetitive some times and it would've much much better if you could actually play as the other guardians (huge missed opportunity). Solid 8/10 fun game.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #36

Virtues last reward is the improved sequel to 999. I think they really improved in every way here besides maybe some of the characters. I like the story a bit more and the twists are pretty good. I don't know if i'll play the third game but maybe some day. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #35

The start of a new era. Astros playroom was the very first game I played on my ps5 which I got for my birthday. Astros playroom is the perfect introduction to the ps5. It shows you basically everything it can do. The controller, the sound just everything is absolutely flawless in this game. It holds a special place in my heart since it was the first game I played with my ps5 so i'll give it a 9/10. Im not done with the xbox just yet though.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #34

I played this whole game with my friend ethan, we would call and do all the missions at the same time. We both love one piece and we thought this game looked fun so we bought it (worst decision ever).

The game has a super mid story with like nothing interesting and the new characters suck. The combat was actually kinda fun sometimes but was very boring other times. I actually did enjoy some of the world exploration because playing as Luffy was pretty fun. The base game 100% wasn't too bad. It involved a bit of grinding which was annoying but it wasn't horrible.

Then we found out there were achievements for the dlc where you can play as Law, Zoro and Sabo. So we bought it and played all of them. Little did we know this was the worst decision ever. The achievements for the dlc were SOOOOO unbelievably grindy and took sooooooo long. It wasn't even like somewhat fun grind it was just repeating the same mission over and over again until we unlocked all the abilities. But wait you have to do this THREE WHOLE TIMES since there were 3 dlcs.

Stupid fucking game with not much effort put in and the achievements fucking suck. Hopefully one piece odyssey is better (which i'll play once I get there in one piece). 3/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #33

Pupperazi is a super cute game about taking pictures of dogs. For some reason I played this entire game in like 2 days over 2 snow days we had off of school. But this game is super adorable and has amazing vibes. The 100% is very easy and not grindy at all which I love. Overall super short and cute game really nothing bad 8/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #32

I completed this game at 12:05 on new years day. Which for me was the absolute perfect way to start the year (long review coming up).

Persona 5 royal is my favorite video game of all time. There are other video games I absolutely love, but p5r absolutely clears as my favorite. But that doesn't mean its a perfect game, and because there is so much positive to talk about im gonna start with the negatives.

Okumura's palace is straight up garbage. Actually some of the puzzles are fun but the Okumura boss fight is the worst boss fight I have ever played in my entire life. With that being said there are some other palaces puzzles I dont love, like the mice one or the code one in the bank. I also don't like some of the characters too much, specifically morgana. I find his arc very frustrating and made me dislike him a lot. Thats about it for the negatives now onto the positives.

This is by far the most engaging game i've ever played. I cannot remember a time where I was this addicted to playing a video game, p5r was all I thought about when I was playing.
It really does a lot to immerse you in the game and I think thats one of it's best qualities. The story for this game is absolutely amazing, its full of really good twists and its just overall super interesting and well written. The characters are really really good, besides morgana I really like everyone in the phantom thieves. Joker, Ryuji, Makoto and Futaba were probably my favorites in the og thieves. I like everyone else but I feel like Haru could've used more screen time. The side character social links were pretty good but not the best. Characters like Takemi, Ohya, Shinya and Kawakami were not super interesting but still enjoyable confidants (besides ohya and kawakami like wtf). But the confidants like Akechi, Maruki, Sae, Sojiro, Iwai, and Yoshizawa were all extremely fun and engaging. The best characters in the game are by far Joker, Akechi and maruki (yoshizawa maybe too). The gameplay in the game is absolutely fantastic. It's the first game that i've actually enjoyed turn based combat and the baton pass system is amazing. The palaces are normally amazing with a few exceptions but most had some great puzzles, bosses and stories. The best part of the game and by far my favorite section in any video game is term 3 the final palace. I wont spoil but it introduces my favorite antagonist in video game history and it has some extremely emotional moments.

Anyway this review was supeeeeer long and by far my longest but it's my favorite game so it's worth it. Easily 10/10, 11/10 if that was an option. (also playing persona 3 reload rn)

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #31

For some reason, it doesn't let me review the actual gorogoa. So I did this one and I played it on xbox, but anyway.

Gorogoa is a game about rearranging boxes. It's as boring as it sounds, while others may like it I did not like it whatsoever. The puzzles are very tedious and never feel satisfying. Especially the stupid fucking timed ones. Overall this game sucks and I didn't enjoy it at all. 2/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #30

Hello neighbor 2 is a shitty ass game bro. I think this whole franchise really stinks. The story is so like dumb there are no voices and its all super indirect and makes no sense. The game does have some decent puzzle sections and the ai does kinda suck but its still fun invading their houses. The game is incredibly short I finished it in like 3 days so yeah game blows this franchise sucks 3/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #29

Firewatch is a short indie game about a guy who is set to watch for fires in the forest. The gameplay is very simple you basically just walk around and interact with stuff. The game shines in its environment and story. The graphic aren't amazing but the actual location is pretty cool and engaging. The story is actually pretty good, it gets you very hooked into it and there is a solid plot twist. But the worst part is the ending. It was super anticlimactic and it didn't feel resolved whatsoever. 6/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #28

We were here is a very short puzzle game that was actually decently fun up until one dreaded part. But there are some very unique and engaging puzzles and it really got me and my friend using our brains. It was all good up until ONE part, the theater puzzle. I was playing as the guy that goes into the theater and if you know me then you'll know i'm a huge scaredy and that level scared the absolute fuuuuuck out of me. After that we never played the other games in the series until I did we were here the friendships with my other friends. 5/10 decent game

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #27

Goofy ass game that is fun with friends but very low quality and not a very well made game. I mean it can be tons of fun and there is a surprising amount to do buts it not great. Anyways the achievements were fairly easy besides 2, getting all gold goats (grindy) and the stupid fucking flappy goat one. Me and my friend did all the achievements together and to this day he doesn't have the flappy goat one. 6/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #26