I like fighting games but i've never really fell in love with the genre and this game is just another good but nothing special game. Like it can be fun, I really like the graphics and the amount of cool and fun character is awesome. But the game has a wide variety of problems too. The solo and story modes are very very boring and not unique or fun. The online can be fairly choppy and not the best. But the worst problem of all is just a problem I believe the whole franchise has. The skill level of this game is bullshit, I put 15 hours into straight 0 skill button mashing because there is no fucking way i'm gonna learn how to do 70+ moves for 30+ characters. Some of them aren't even possible like how the fuck do you do up up left right down circle bop it twist it and double it and give it to the next person. 5/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #61

Stick fight the game is a fun party game with not much else to it. It is pretty chaotic and fun but doesn't have a lot of content and can get very repetitive. The achievements were pretty easy tho and I get a majority of them by just playing with my friends. 6/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #60

Chicory a colorful tale is an extremely fun and charming indie game. It really is just a nice chill fun game. It isn't too complicated and it is just a relaxing game. The gameplay is fun, the visuals and art style are cute, the characters r fun and its just a very good game bordering 8/10. But the only reason I have it rated at a 7 instead of something higher is because it doesn't really have anything to push it above and beyond a lot of other games. With that being said the game is still great a very solid 7/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #59


Tchia is a neat indie game about the island of New Caledonia. It has some enjoyable features like its traversal and the mechanics, I also really like the main message and the good representation this game brings. But I didn't enjoy all of it, the story wasn't very good and the graphics can be very choppy. Also the grind for the 100% was very unnecessary but it didn't affect my rating. Overall a good game with some good aspects but some weaker ones aswell. 6/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #58

I enjoy the telltale games and this game was another good one. I love this version of batman he has a lot of good moments and emotion and it feels more impactful since you decide what you say or do. The graphics are mediocre at best but the characters are fantastic and a big strong point of the game. A big reason the game works so well is just because of its simple batman story. It isn't anything incredibly unique but it is just a regular pretty fun batman story and I love batman so it works out. Overall pretty good game and ill play the second series sometime soon. 7/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #57

Endling is one of my favorite indie games. It is a great example of an indie game and why I really love them. Endling is filled with tons of charm and emotion which you cant often find in a triple A game. The gameplay is simple, but pretty enjoyable and unique and the story is very subtle but really cute. I really love the game's stakes, characters and visuals. The characters are all really cute so it is hard to not like them and the visuals are really cool looking. But the main reason I like this game is the stakes there are. There are many ways for you to lose your kids and you have to be very careful when hunting and be very mindful of your time. This is why I give the game a very solid 8/10 and a big recommend.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #56

Ace Attorney trilogy is one of my favorite visual novel games. Even though the OG games are very old, I still really enjoyed a majority of the game. I love mysteries and the mysteries in this game are amazing. I enjoyed most cases even though there were a few I didn't like as much. But my favorite cases were 2-4 and 3-4 with 3-4 being my goat. Both of these cases have tons of great emotion and easily the best twists in this trilogy. A main reason this game works so well is the characters. If the characters weren't as interesting the game would be a lot more boring. Overall I love this game and it is one of my favorites visual novels rn. 9/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #55

Uncharted 1 is a bad introduction to a series that I really hope gets better. The game does not hold up at all. The graphics and animations are bad, the very little puzzles suck and the story is just mid. But by far the biggest problem is the gameplay. The platforming is straight up dog shit, it is incredibly annoying and frustrating and not one bit fun. But worst of all is the combat and shooting. The combat in this game is so unbelievably dog shit it hurts me. Especially on any difficulty above easy. The enemies have the dumbest fucking hit boxes and amount of health, and they can hit you from fucking space if they wanted too. Which isn't helped by the fact your guns do 0 zero if its not a headshot but there guns one shot you. WHICH IS NOT HELPED by the insane amount of enemies they throw at you in every encounter. This game is really repetitive and the only thing I liked about it was the cool characters. 3/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #54

Job simulator is one of the VRs all time classics, which is why it was my first VR game completed. It follows a simple idea and it executes it very well. I liked all of the 4 options for jobs but I would've probably replaced car mechanic with something else. Overall this game is a must play if you have a VR it is a very fun time. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #53

Omega strikers is a dumb free to play game about soccer or some shit. The game has a few cool character designs and the gameplay was sort of fun for a little bit but it got repetitive quickly. Theres also very little content in the game so that hindered the experience. 4/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #52

Deathloop is a game that completely revolves around one gimmick and it actually works really well. The idea of playing the same day over and over again is a super smart idea for a game and the game uses it in really cool ways. The day being cut into 4 sections is really cool because it limits how much you can do it one section. The idea of killing a bunch of cool bosses the same day to beat the game is super unique. This game is just a shit ton of cool ideas with really fun gameplay. I do think they could've went into more detail with some of the visionaries and the shooting could be improved but this game is a solid 8/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #51

Ghostrunner is a super fast paced action game with tons of exhilarating combat and movement. Which is really the appeal of the game, the combat is so inexplicably fun and intense and its very hard not to get into this game. There are aspects of the game I don't like though. For example I think some of the enemy variatons are really annoying and kinda weaken the experience. I also think the story is decent but not really special but thats not the focus of the game so it's fine. Overall the game is a super fun time with a few boring segments but an overall great game. Also the dlc was fun and maybe i'll play the second game. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #50

A memoir blue is a short story game with very little game of it. Its not very good and extremely forgettable. I just remember swimming and some story about a mom. 3/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #38

Ratchet and clank is a good 3D platformer. 3D platformers are one of my all time favorite genres, and this one is solid. The platforming itself is pretty mid, and the story isn't anything special either. This game really shines in its combat and weapons. The amount of choice you have in combat is extremely vast, there are sooooo many unique weapons that are really fun to use. The enemy variation is decent, the bosses are fun, I really like the main characters. Overall this game is not amazing but its just a good game nothing much about it. 7/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #49

Miles morales is the shorter and slightly weaker version of marvels spider-man. But the game is still great. I absolutely love Miles Morales as a character. Into the spider-verse is my favorite movie oat so his character holds something special to me and I love his interpretation here. The gameplay is an improved version of the OG, the venom abilities are insanely fun. The traversal stays mainly the same but I love the animations that miles has. Story is solid but not as good as OG. Overall game is a great shorter experience. 8/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #48