Too much soul is bad for you.

I love seeing girls be mindbroken in real time

This felt like playing a shovelware version of a better game that doesn't exist.

MASSIVE improvement over the first game that alleviates all the flaws I had with it. While 1 at times felt drawn out, poorly paced and even formulaic, 2 has none of that; instead opting to go for a more profound plot that's way less melodramatic in the process.
The cast in this game is a massive upgrade too, with the Go Home Club this time around having much more relatable and well developed traumas compared to those of the first game, as well as just being more fun to be around in general. The Musicians are a highlight too, as most of them are actually involved within the game's plot and their pasts being properly explored, something that wasn't the case in 1 till Overdose's Musician route. The gameplay here is still somewhat janky, but it's still an improvement from the first game with how the dungeons are no longer just a maze of hallways that'd you see in something like Persona 4.
Caligula 2 in my opinion is the perfect example of how you make a sequel, with it fixing everything that was wrong with the original, but still being able to stand on it's own without relying too much on the foundation that 1 set up.

This game is a drug do NOT play it.

The musician route + Lucid as well as the other content introduced in Overdose is the best part of the game which is a shame by how much it's brought down by how shit the OG story is.

The fact that Akizuki Kanna isn't real is proof that I'm living in the wrong reality.

Don't fucking play SHRIFT.

very accurate depiction of how it feels like to talk to people online

peak of the rance series and overall just a giant love letter to the eroge industry as a whole.
everything in this game was clearly made with love and it shows; the sheer amount of characters present and different paths you can take on top of the really fun gameplay and great plot solidifies this as a fitting finale to the rance series, as well as one of my favorite games.

Whatever you say, moron. I uniironically think Narahara is the best writer of all time across all mediums. His complex treatment of themes, and his deep understanding of the human condition is unparalleled and unprecedented. He's a dreamer, teacher, and a writer at the same time. The best thing about Muramasa is Kageaki Minato is literally Narahara. Narhara knows what art truly means, and his uncompromising vision to elevate VNs to the level of art is perfectly executed in Muramasa. You really need to give up being a human if you don't like his work/think its lowbrow porn. He's the only one in this medium who genuinely wants to make art instead of products to be sold on the market for profit. You rarely find people like him even in literary circles. You can find zero flaws in his work, and if you believe there to be flaws, you either didn't understand or are making them up to be contrarian and by doing so ignoring what he achieves making you a low iq fuck