I've not a clue how that final boss died

Listening to kids crying isn't fun.

Sky: Children of the Shite more like

Just release Metroid Prime on the switch ffs

Breath of the Wild Walked so Lil Gator could run - and his run is adorable

The reviews of this over egged how wonderful the wonder parts were in this but I'm not sure a level's graphics going into a silhouette like Limbo or being able to 'swim' in a bit of floating water is a s wonderful as stuff in other Mario games. I mean you could be a massive t-rex in Odyssey!!!

You know the simple plot of this? I didn't understand it.

I liked the game, only turned it off once in a rage.


I broke the meow button by pressing it 12000 times

A photography game that feels like you are controlling a tank with a camera strapped to it. And the tank is also broken. Unplayable.

I liked the wooden crocodile zoo toy