135 Reviews liked by Uehara

cover artta gördüğünüz trabzonlu orospu çocuğu osayi'den sümsüğü yedikten sonra yerde 20 takla atıp anasının amına kavuşmuştur

shinji mikami bu oyunu yaparken trabzonspor fenerbahçe maçından ilham almış

Çocukken benim hiç aterim olmadı. Arkadaşımın vardı onda da oynamaktan ziyade izliyorum. Hiçbir zaman gerçek prensesi kurtaramadık maksimum 8 veya 9. seviyeye geldik. Bu nedenlerden dolayı mario hiçbir zaman çocukluğumun oyunu olmadı.
Çok fazla Mario'ya başladım ve çok azını bitirdim. Odyssey i de oynadım ama gyrolu kontrolcüm olmadığı için bir şeyler eksik hissettiriyordu ondan dolayı bıraktım. Önce Joycon almayı düşündüm ama pc ile çok uyumlu olmadıkları, kolay bozuldukları ve bulması zor olduğu için vazgeçtim ve Ender'in abi gyro ile oyna seversin demesi üzerine dualsense alıp başladım.
İlk Galaxy'i bitirdim ama tüm taçları alana kadar loglamak istemedim ondan dolayı Odyssey'in incelemesi daha önce geldi. Galaksi gyro ile mükemmel olduktan sonra Odyssey'e tekrardan şans verdim ve sorunun kontrocü olduğunu anladım. Bu oyun tamamen joy con için tasarlanmış. Hatta switch lite da bile oynamanızı tavsiye etmem. Gyro ile oyundaki tüm kontroller açılıyor ve o zincirlenmiş hissi gidiyor. O zaman oyun inanılmaz zevkli ve tatlı oluyor. Diğer Mario oyunlarının aksine sonunda bir bütün harita var. Galaksi deki en büyük sorunum aynı haritaya tekrar tekrar gitmemiz gerekmesiydi. Od bu sorunu tamamen çözüyor. Post game içeriğine çok fazla bakmadım gördüğüm kadarıyla bir arena modu var bir de prenses kendisi maceraya çıkmış onunla takılıcaz. Peach'i ararım ama arenayı yapmam muhtemelen ve oyunu o şekilde bitiririm.
Not: New York çok güzeldi be.

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You are a hero...

And you have to leave.

FETÖ Fetullah Gülen عبدالله اوجلان كوردستان P.U.K abdullah ojalan abdullah oçalan PKK YPG YPJ Հայոց ցեղասպանություն Ermeni Kırımı Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê Kürdistan İnsan hakları Kürtçe Süryani Katliamı Rum Kırımı Zilan Massacre Dersim İsyanı Taksim Square Massacre Kanlı 1 Mayıs Σεπτεμβριανά 6–7 Eylül Olayları Pınarcık Demokrasi Yeşil Beyaz toros Hizbullah Domuz Bağı Cinayetleri Susurluk Abdi İpekçi suikasti Uğur Mumcu suikasti 1980 darbesi komünist Mehmet Aksoy İnsanlık Anıtı Մարդկության հուշարձան Sekülerizm Kadın hakları JİTEM Hrant Dink THKO Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu DHKP-C Abdullah Çatlı Metmet Ali Ağca Ergenekon davaları Joseph Votel Yurtta Sulh Konseyi Terrorism Adil Öksüz Operation Sledgehammer Avrupa Birliği Gezi Parkı olayları Reza Zarrab 2013 Corruption Scandal Halkların Demokratik Partisi Minority rights Hendek Operasyonları Çözüm Süreci Sabetaycı Dönme Jew Selânik Şimon Zvi Efendi Mektebi Moiz Kohen Munis Tekinalp Eretz Y'İsrail محمد جاويد بك Mehmet Cavit Bey عمانوئيل قره صو أفندي Emmanuel Carasso sayın öcalan musanın çocukları tayyip ve emine cem galip akkılıç cem akkılıç rahibe bonesi takunya libidocusu

Sıfır Biri Gareth Evans yönetmiş

An otherworld awaits me in my dreams HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH

Greatest Dungeon Crawler

i swear rapheal looks like david bowie in this one

After taking 75,000 steps in Flower, Sun and Rain, you unlock the “Movement Speed UP” ability, which allows you to sprint, granting the player a much needed reprieve from Sumio Mondo’s endless march across Lospass Island. Only, the average player will never know this power up exists. I completed the game taking precisely 20,193 steps, a count which I imagine is generally higher than the average player, on account of me not knowing where to go and having to take a few additional agonizing journeys to and from the Hotel Flower, Sun and Rain. This begs the question: why even add such a thing in the first place?

Flower, Sun and Rain stretches its identity as a “video game” so thin that it only loosely fits the definition. Gameplay consists of mind-numbingly walking to various destinations around the island. Every puzzle is solved in the exact same way. Test the different colored jacks, find the corresponding passage in the guidebook, and then input the answer. Yet, despite not being similar to most games on a mechanical level, Flower, Sun and Rain is one of the most “gamey” video games I have ever played. Upon reaching certain milestones on your pedometer the game fades to black, and you are rewarded with largely worthless power ups, as if to shake the player out of their walking-induced trance and say, “Hey, you remember you’re still playing a video game, right? That’s what this is!” Similarly, characters will often break the 4th wall and recognize that they are, in fact, in a video game. It’s extremely obvious that all of these facts are meant to add up to some form of critique.

My reading of Flower, Sun and Rain interprets the work as a critique of the obsessive push toward realism in gaming. Nowhere is this critique more present than in Request 14: Träumerei. Directly following two chapters where the player controls characters who are not Sumio Mondo, the hotel manager Edo Macalister chides Sumio, saying that in order to make up for missing two chapters of action, he should prepare for lots of walking. This is precisely what happens. The player must walk from the Hotel and the wheat fields, two points which are about as far away from each other as possible, twice. Then, the player walks up to the fourth floor of the hotel another eight times, while Sumio is frustratingly locked into just walking. Running in the hotel rooms and stairways is not permitted, of course. After my first two trips and my first four journeys up and down the stairwell, I was reaching my wit’s end. However, that is when Ken appears, who is notably the only person on the island who has access to a form of transportation. Long story short, you “borrow” Ken’s bike, and it acts as a form of fast-travel for the chapter, and cuts down on the length of the chapter considerably. However, the scenario is very much “unrealistic” and somewhat out of character for Sumio. FSR asserts through this mechanic that obsession with realism is only valuable to a certain point. If a piece is injected with too much realism, it will lead to an unfun experience, as is the case in many sections of FSR. There were many times throughout the game where I was not necessarily having fun, but just because the game isn’t fun all the time doesn’t mean it can’t be a great experience.

There’s so much to be said for the quality of writing in this game. I love how they are able to so effortlessly allow the player to identify with Sumio. I don’t agree that the game is meant to be obtuse as a way to make fun of people who like games, far from it. I interpreted that you were supposed to be laughing along with many jokes at the expense of the player and Sumio, but these ideas would be better saved for a longer piece. Flower, Sun and Rain is among my favorite games of all time, and I recommend it to anyone with the patience to see it through to the end.

Easily one the greatest and finely crafted Strategy RPG's ever made,but it's also without a doubt the most brutally difficult game i've ever played and makes Thracia 776 look like a cakewalk.And it makes me very,very sad to be softlocked on the final chapter due to mismanaging my money and units.I'll definitely replay this with my current understanding of the game,and probably up it to a 5 star.It's Kaga's best game,and combines everything good about Genalogy of The Holy War and Thracia 776,while also introduces a lot of it's unique ideas.I would love to write a more comprehensive review,but i guess i'll save it to my replay.God bless Kaga,you sociopath son of a bitch