It was good until this stupid game hit a damn roadblock with that godforsaken investigation. It's like driving at full speed down a highway and then there's nothing but holes and roadblocks.

"I need more evidence."
"I need more evidence."
"I need more evidence."

No, I can't take this any more. Here, have half a star. Rotten game.

I absolutely loved the Divide. The writing shines here, like in Honest Hearts.

Better than Old World Blues in terms of writing, although not as good as Lonesome Road or Honest Hearts.

Not as good as the other DLCs. I mostly disliked the Think Tank, and I wanted to be done with it fast, but at least it gives the player a wide array of items.

This DLC is tied with Lonesome Road as my favorite New Vegas DLC, if only because of Joshua Graham.

An interesting little puzzle game. My only real complaint is that figuring out the puzzles was a little cryptic, but maybe I'm just not very good with puzzles. Regardless, I'd like to see the other Rusty Lake games.

Another Disney game from my childhood, this one being a top-down adventure game with RPG elements.

As far as gameplay goes, it's fine. It's basic RPG, and there's nothing wrong with that. My only issue with it is that the level scaling is a bit strange or I couldn't grasp it, because each mission has a limited number of enemies so you can't properly grind for tougher enemies on later missions, although the game grants you xp for solving puzzles, completing objectives and by simply finishing the mission. This can be a problem because it slows down the growth curve of your characters and certain enemies become a chore to beat, although this can be remedied by using offensive items such as asteroids and the special stones, and it also forces the player to improvise strategies. For example, I was able to whittle down the hp of a bigger and tougher enemy with Zini's rock throw, and later I switched to Aladar to finish it off with stronger but slower attacks.

Speaking of, the combat is also basic, with two options for attacks with two out of the three playable characters. It's hard to avoid getting hurt while fighting enemies, so you have to time your attacks well. You can also strafe around them to keep your distance before attacking. However, certain enemies are damage sponges, and it may become boring to fight them unless you have stones for a special attack which does a good amount of damage, or simply use a fiery asteroid item.

What made this game fun to me was the teamwork aspect. Each character has their own weaknesses and strengths; you can use Flia to scout ahead, or use Zini to climb up platforms and find inaccessible items or lure enemies into a trap, and Aladar can break things to open new paths. I would be lying if I said I wasn't satisfied whenever I got to complete objectives with these characters.

Other minor criticisms would be the music, which is very ambient-like but isn't anything remarkable, and some of the dino models show their age. Kron's boss fight was also a minor headache; it took me a few loss lives, wasting all my special power stones and lots of asteroids to beat him. That was really annoying.

Any other complaints? Well... I guess dino enthusiasts may not like how inaccurate the dinosaurs are in the game? But that doesn't really matter to me; the good outweighs the bad in Disney's Dinosaur.

A childhood classic finally completed after my PS1 broke. And it's as I remembered, a fun, surprisingly good game adaptation of the classic movie.

The PC version, however, isn't as good as the PS1 version.
The controls feel a little slower compared to the PS1 version, there are issues with the sfx, and I ran into a bug while fighting Zurg, though that was fixed by downloading a quick-fix online. The cleaner visuals, compared to the jittery PS1 graphics, feel like a downgrade to me.

However, despite these issues, my experience was generally good. I played this game so much as a kid, and I'm glad I got back to it after all these years.

I also finished it when I couldn't finish it back in the day. Cheers.

I LOVE playing this game. It's really fun to play; its mechanics are unique, and the sound design is top notch.

The Darkness II is FUN.

But it's way too short. I clocked the main story at four hours when I finished it.

But worst of all that ending was bullshit. I really hated it. For the longest time I didn't want to play the game again just because of it. It almost ruined my experience, especially now that the game never got a sequel nor downloadable content,

I guess the Vendettas are a consolation? They're kind of fun at least.

A massive improvement over almost everything from the previous game. Almost.

The story from the 1rst game blooms here, and you can freely explore Zenosoic however you want. The world looks gorgeous, and it's enhanced by the art direction of this game. There is a multiplayer mode, but I haven't gotten the chance to play it with a friend.

However, the voice acting here is as weak as it was in the 1rst Zeno Clash, and often the low voices are overwhelmed by the music and sounds even if you lower the music volume. There's also the occasional glitch here and there, which can be a little annoying.

The highlight of Zeno Clash is the gameplay, without a doubt. I played this game some five times and that's the best part of the game. It's easy to grasp but somewhat hard to master, and I'd like to try harder difficulties to see how good I can get with it.

The story, well, it's not bad but it's lacking, but it's compensated and heightened by the weird but gorgeous landscapes that I wish I could've explored more, which I got to in the next game.

I recommend playing this game, but you have to also play the 2nd game if you want to get a bigger and better feel of the story and its world.

An interesting experiment, but that's all I have to say about it.

Definitely one of the best Halo games in the franchise.
Not just in gameplay but also storytelling.

I got so into the game that I didn't notice I finished it in one sitting. I started it at around 5PM and finished it a little past 10. At first I was disappointed that it was so short, but someone told me that this was supposed to be part of Halo 2's story which makes sense.
As a conclusion to the trilogy's story, it's great. Everything's here, and the gameplay is great too, with new vehicles and weapons. I just wish that it got more of Arbiter.

I know this came after Halo 3, but I was told I had to play this BEFORE Halo 3 for story's sake. And it was worth it, after the cliffhanger ending of 2.

I really enjoyed how all the plot threads converged into one, following parallel to each other while you could play into them differently. It's not a new thing, by far, but it's done exceedingly well in ODST.

I'd like to give massive props for the music. Between the exciting action tracks during combat, to the calm, atmospheric tunes that play when you're exploring the empty streets of New Mombasa in the rainy night. It's perfect.

By the end of it, I was sad that the game was ending but glad that I played it, and I see myself playing ODST again very, very soon.