Not much to say, it is a great compepetive shooter which let's you use it's physics engine to find cracks in the gameplay which let you overcome your opponents. This game has a very distinct feel to it which makes it really unforgetable but It wouldn't be my first pick when it comes to shooter games. 4,5/5

Simply put: Great vibes. You can still just find pure joy in riding around town with an incredible selection of music the radio provides with dated yet still stunning visuals which just put mind at ease. 4,5/5

L I am playing angry birds

The sweetest game in the Mobile Games market. Gone by now but will forever live in our hearts. Easy: 5/5

4,5 Stars because the game is Polish. Unironically this time since this game holds incredible Art and Beauty of Poland to it. The Environment, compared with the weather effects in this game take you by storm once you open up to it, and after you're done with the game its music will strike your heart with an incredible amount of longing and nostalgia for this beautiful world. 4,5/5

It's boggling to me that this game has a higher user review than the precedessor but it is still a Yakuza game so have a 5. It's the only game in the series which i seriously belive needs a remake to truly shine. 5/5

After stopping through my gameplay of Phantom Pain, I found myself playing this piece with an incredible heart rate just trying to beat it on the first try,,, and I succeeded. One of the problems with I had Phantom Pain were repetitive Side quests, but this was just one long mission that felt incredible. 4,5/5

Played it once and my phone lost it's battery. 3/5

I mean it's alright like----- 4/5

Technological Peak of already beloved Ryu Ga Gotoku Series, we can only dream of what's ahead of us. 10/5

I live in Poland, and I love Poland, and this is the only game that makes me feel like I am playing in my own town (a shame buy hey). 4,5/5

Bedrock edition: Not the same, but hey, it almost is. 4,5/5

Best casual shooter to this day 5/5

The best Rouge-like for the sake of being Rouge-like out there. This game will grab you with its hard-hitting, and unforgiving gameplay to such an extent that when you get in, you won't leave until you've killed everyone, and in just mere seconds. 5/5