Giratina's bossfight & soundtrack>>>>>>

You either die a Dante fan, or you live long enough to see yourself become a Vergil Fan.

This game is absolutely magnificent, everyone should try the event codes because they made the experience 10x times better.

Bloody spectacular mate!

One of my favorite gaming experiences of all time.

I feel bad for the voice actors who were the only ones putting actual effort into this piece of crap.

My First Ever Pokémon Game, Loved it!

These character models are perfect for a remake, just saying

A fun & short challenge, I really enjoyed playing this game with my brother, with less than a 1,000 attempts I think our chemistry is incredible.

This is more than just a video game. Flawless writing from start to finish, I don't think another Yakuza game could ever top this one honestly.

A therapy session at its finest. Didn't know Tyr had it in him.

Finished the game a couple of days ago but kept coming back for 1 specific trophy which was very stooooooopid.

But anyway, I had really high hopes for this game and it didn't go as I hoped, cancerous controls, repetitive missions with little to no creativity or efforts and a SUPER BORING power-up system.

This whole thing was a mess, but I did enjoy little things here and there and absolutely loved the soundtracks.


This plat was so fun to obtain