The start of the game was solid and very promising but everything after that was just kind of mediocre

It sure was a remake of Pokemon Pearl

I've never really cared for gen 4 but it did it's job as a remake, It also had some really good remixes

This game forever changed the course of gaming and history as a whole

Absolute zenith of the medium, the peak of fiction.

A really nice send off to the Arland series and an all around great and fun game

I don't have any problems with it aside from what they did with Rorona though

I heard from so many people before going into this that this game is really hard but after playing it I can say it's probably the easiest game in the whole series which is a nice change of pace as it allows got a really chilled out game

You get way more than enough time for your tasks and the optional bosses are also easy if you bring along the right party members and gear

Honestly the best game in the series, it does everything perfectly from characters to music to difficulty

The time limit is done really well and helps keep the game challenging with fair bosses which is something the games without the time limits doesn't do very well as they love to throw awfully designed final bosses at you that have an insane difficulty curve but all bosses in Totori all felt fair but still challenging

The game was a pretty fun and very laid back game but some of the characters did feel quite lacking and a bit forgettable compared to the many memorable characters of the previous games in the series

This sure was a mysterious journey

Gust really pumped out back to back 10/10s with the Dusk trilogy huh

This game has a fantastic soundtrack by Hayato Asano, some really neat boss battles but outside of that there's not too much going on, still a pretty neat game though

A very meh video game, it honestly didn't feel like an Atelier game at times outside of the gathering and synthesis

It felt much more story focused and the character events not being accessible the same way they are in previous events was a really odd choice but definitely much better than just not having any like Firis

I didn't really like the battle system either compared to the much better battle systems of previous games but I got used to it after a while and while, I really hope that ATB doesn't become the norm for the series

It had a ton of other things gameplay wise that really held it down, it felt like Gust were playing it way too safe with this one

I'm gonna deforest warios woods