This game forever changed the course of gaming and history as a whole

Absolute zenith of the medium, the peak of fiction.

This game was brutal but god damn it was so good

I used to play this game religiously in highschool

Honestly was not expecting to like this game as much as I liked 2!


The game is a complete grindfest MMO, I only played it occasionally in highschool to kill time so it was decent enough for that

Honestly, I first played this game about a year ago? I don't know why but I was so quick to judge the game from the first few moments of the prologue alone and just ended up hating it to the point I dropped it

After playing through the Mary Skelter trilogy Death end re;Quest 2 caught my eyes and of course I HAD to play it however this meant going back to actually play through the first game before that since I'm not a fan of skipping things. I was kind of dreading this since I did initially really dislike the game... However upon starting up the game again after a year on a fresh save I can say that it's quite possibly one of the most creative JRPGs I've ever played albeit held back massively with a low budget

The gameplay starts off fairly average I guess? Nothing remarkable but the story is what hooked me. But the gameplay does present a lot of interesting mechanics like the genre changing mechanic which as awesome as switching to action gameplay mid turn based battle sounds it's unfortunately pulled down by the budget like I mentioned

The characters are all a lot of fun and all have interesting dynamics which definitely plays into the overall enjoyment I had of the story as a whole (which I won't get into any detail of since I'm not a fan of spoiling things so go play it yourself!)

The writing was surprisingly pretty smart and self aware and ACTUALLY utilised the gaming + internet aspects of the story surprisingly well Those aspects actually being utilised well was one of the big highlights as well since most stuff that pull the "trapped in a video game" plot line kind of quickly dribble into it becoming a generic fantasy whole DerQ utilises this aspect all the way through with the ability to swap between reality and the video game as you uncover the many mysteries the story presents you with

This is more just a write up on some of the thoughts I had on the game so I'm gonna end this off here but I'm looking forward to the sequel with how it looks to delve fully into being a full on horror JRPG which is something I've been wanting for as long as I've been into JRPGs

I actually played the second game first about a year ago after being informed that it was standalone enough to do that (it sucked hard, that was a mistake) but I'm really glad I decided to actually play the first one because while it does have problems caused by the quite obvious low budget similar to Blue Reflection there was a lot here to enjoy!

I would give this higher but I have to deduct a little for the presentation in Elite being kinda jank but when I go and do the original eventually that'll probably get a higher score 👍👍👍

Either way I did like it a lot!

Honestly while I love this game a lot I do feel like several of the routes feel like wasted potential (Nanami and Yua's specifically)

I'm glad they most likely noticed this and had less but more fleshed out routes in Chaos;Child however

Rimi, Kozue and Sena's routes as well as the common route and true ending were amazing though so a couple of mid routes don't really drag it down at least

The start of the game was solid and very promising but everything after that was just kind of mediocre

The story is kinda trash but at least the gameplay gets decent after a while

Although that's immediately nullified when the whole last chunk of the game is so poorly designed (on hard mode at least). What an actual waste of time.

I did have this at a higher rating previously but honestly the game has been gradually getting more and more unfunny especially with then cutting down focus on the battle royale mode

It just really isn't the same game I used to have fun playing for several years anymore which is unfortunate...

This game has some really funny balancing but that's just to be expected from janky PSP anime arena fighter games, it's still a lot of fun to just pick up and play occasionally though

That final boss was incredibly unfun but if that was the price we had to pay for some of the best character interactions in the series then I will gladly take it