That final boss was incredibly unfun but if that was the price we had to pay for some of the best character interactions in the series then I will gladly take it

I forgot about this, I played it on the Amazon Fire TV stick thing sometimes. It was pretty fun

The plot of this is really standard JRPG stuff but in a pretty charming way, the characters are fun, memorable and entertaining and to top it off the gameplay and mechanics are all great and really well executed

Out of all games in the series none of them reach the levels of unfun that FNAF 2 manages to

My high-school literally got hooked on this game to the point where the sports clubs all ended up swapping over to IT and there were people real money trading accounts that had specific rarer weapons and stuff between each other till they dropped an update nobody liked one day and everyone dropped off

It's fun enough for what it is although this absolutely should have not released at £50...

I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul.

Surprisingly a pretty fun little gacha game

It feels like a mix of classic Zelda and Dragalia Lost gameplay wise

From what I played the story was your run of the mill cyberpunk story with not much to separate it from other works under the same genre.

It felt like a cyberpunk story for a mainstream audience which after reading, watching and playing through other various cyberpunk stories it just really didn't click with me at all. Maybe it gets better later on but what I played really didn't grab me enough to make me want to play more and find out.

Makes me feel like a commentary YouTuber

I did have this at a higher rating previously but honestly the game has been gradually getting more and more unfunny especially with then cutting down focus on the battle royale mode

It just really isn't the same game I used to have fun playing for several years anymore which is unfortunate...

I went in expecting this to just be kinda ok like the first game was but I ended up enjoying this as much as I did the Mysterious games probably more than that

Like the first game it still did have some gameplay things that bugged me but it improved upon so many things the first Ryza game didn't do very well helping it feel as fun as the Atelier games I love with some really great new features liek character events unlocking through progression rather than the annoying friend point system from previous games

As much as I did enjoy this though the items not being nearly as useful as in previous games INCLUDING the first Ryza game makes them feel pretty redundant if you just get good gear, I rarely ever switched around my items and got through the whole game just fine so hopefully this is something they fix in the next game in the series to make it a bit more challenging

As for the characters the new characters were all GREAT and the returning characters(most of which I found sort of bland in the first game with a few exceptions) got developed a lot more and with the new development I enjoyed them a LOT more

That's all I really have to say about this game and I'm VERY glad I played it

This works much better than Mario 35 but still not as well as Tetris 99