....is this a "game"? I guess that's up for debate, but I see this more as a tracker.

I've been playing this since day 1 expecting very little. It blowed pretty hard until recently (I'm writing this as of January of 2024, and it's had multiple refined updates since its launch).

Before the big updates, I had to rest my phone on an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Yeah. It was that bad. I dont know why, but I still wanted to keep going. I guess I was holding out for it to fix itself (which it did, since I no longer have to use an ice pack. I made sure to gently pester the developers of this game about the heating + crashing problem)

Honestly I like how simple this game is. I dont have to be "the best" at anything, I just need five little guys with me to help track my sleep. That's it. I will say the rewards for leveling up suck pretty badly, and you'll want to be saving up all your Pokemon biscuits as much as you possibly can (which is really hard when you need to record and befriend Pokemon to progress to new "sleeping areas"....)

Anyway, I think its a cute way to track sleep. That's all it really is. Its not very deep or complex, and I only need to open the app 3 times a day. It's relieving to have a game not pester you constantly to keep it open and keep playing, so I like how lax it is.

Also for some reason I get an insane amount of shinies. I've gotten about 6 so far and I have no idea why. I've never gotten a shiny in all the years I've played Pokemon so I suspect they raised the shiny rate to attract players? maybe? It's cool but strange.

I sincerely apologize to say that this is one of my favorite games. Top fifteen, maybe.

But this is Not a Star Fox game. This is Dinosaur Planet. It honestly should've stayed that way, and it's really frustrating that Nintendo didn't trust the product enough on its own merit and felt they had to shove Star Fox in. I say this as a Star Fox fan. Seeing how the game was nearly completed on its own before the complete overhaul was heartbreaking. I recommend watching any YouTube video that documents and talks about it. Its honestly fascinating.

This game is gorgeous on the GameCube. The visuals were great for the time, and I have too many fond memories of playing this game and wandering all over the planet to explore it. It slogs for a minute at the second "level" with Moon Mountain Pass, but gets more interesting from there.

It's a game that can't help but be silly because it knows its silly (mostly from Star Fox being there, to be honest). Rare did an exceptional job with this one. It really sucks that this game is responsible for tarnishing people's trust in the Star Fox series, though. And I agree that it did.

But take it for what it is, if you can. Just enjoy a silly little adventure about talking animals and talking dinosaurs. You'll really enjoy the unique environments and game world.

This game is so much fun in the most simple way possible.

I think the ideal way to play this is to rent it or borrow it from a friend. Spending your afternoon/night to power through this game is the perfect way to experience it (and at night is when you want to play it for sure). And most importantly, play it with a friend!

My wife and I rented this game when it came out from a Redbox, so we only had 24 hours to complete it. Luckily, it's already a short game experience.

And "experience" is really what I would call it. It's barely on the cusp of being an visual novel "walking sim". I think most people actually would call it a walking simulator, but I'm a little more lenient because I'm fond of this game I guess.

The story revolves around a couple mysteries, and it's fun as hell to figure out where things are going. It's also a horror game, so there's plenty of fun jumpscares. It's like an interactive campy horror flick (completely intentionally, by the way!). The characters are pretty much every trope from a horror film, too. In what would usually earn a yawn and eyeroll from me, there's reasons why they're all like that so I enjoyed it a lot. Some of the characters have a growth arc too, which is cool to see.

Even when you think you may have the story figured out, it's still really fun to watch it unfold.

Some cons:
- The facial expressions have some jank. Dark Pictures studio just.. is like that. All of their games have really janky facial expressions.
- Some absolutely BULLSHIT deaths in this game. But mercifully, you can save and load often. In my opinion part of the experience is reloading and trying again. Some scenes will absolutely have you tearing your hair out (its kind of fun, to be honest)
- A couple characters are really really irritating. But hey, they're supposed to be older teens/college kids so maybe it's more realistic for them to act the way they do. I was able to push past it, but I can see if other people can't.

Like I said, this game is best played with two or more people watching you play. They don't even have to pick up the other controller for the co-op--just have some people around to watch the madness and mystery unfold. Great fun!

I adore this game to pieces, but it is sloooooooowwww.

I really like the world and concept of Colosseum! Playing as an antihero definitely needs to come back... this little experimental game was a breath of fresh air for the Pokemon franchise at the time.

Similar to the issue with its predecessor Pokemon Stadium though, it can be a slog to engage in battles. The music is pretty good but... gets repetitive. Its an absolute shame that the tutorial battle music is used so rarely since it's more hyped up than the actual main battle theme, in my opinion.

Pick up this game for the novelty of it.

Where's everyone going? Bingo?

This game is just so good. They're not lying to you--it's really fun to play.

This was my first FPS at the ripe age of 18 years old. I have no idea what compelled me to pick up this game (I watched my sibling play and complete it when I was younger at about 14), but even though I was a total weenie when it came to "scary" games I wanted to give this a try.

I was NOT disappointed! Man!

This game is such a rush in the best way. I never once picked up a first-person shooter, but this made me feel like I was good at them. I got the hang of it fast, and I think that's due to the excellent game design and feel.

This game is pretty fun for a Tetris-like!

A little repetitive, but fun. I liked the music too. Worth checking out if you want something like Tetris but different.

The only bias I have against this game is that it set in stone the dizzying incomprehensible lore that is now par for the course for Kingdom Hearts.

Other than that, its a pretty fun game. The gameplay is refined to have much more flow than the original, which is a definite plus.

The pacing is a little dicey sometimes... but maybe that's if you're replaying the game. I find myself dreading Mulan's stage when I get to it. Just kind of slogs in some worlds.

The music is really good though. Its got a banging ost. It helps carry this game to get through the long bits, for me anyway.

I've played this game so much I think I have all the cutscenes memorized, haha. It was a staple in my teenage years, so I'll always have some bit of fondness for it.

You absolutely need to play this game if you get the chance.

I've played PoR a few times, but I somehow always forget how awesome this game is. The story doesn't throw any punches, and its very refreshing to have the story focus on a character that isn't royalty (no, not even secretly).

The gameplay has improved a lot since it's GBA predecessors, and its a satisfying change from 2D to 3D. The animations are just a bit stiff, but everything else in this game is totally elevated. The character art is gorgeous, the music is memorable, and you'll be playing eager to see how the story concludes. Plenty of little mysteries as well, which give fun reveals later in the game. It's challenging at times like any good Fire Emblem game will be.

The character writing gets a special mention. It's really good. There's a lot of depth and brave writing choices (I mean that being, they weren't afraid to make mean characters. not everyone is bubbly and sweet). You really get the sense that these characters are doing everything they can to survive during this war.

If you choose one Fire Emblem game to pick up, I recommend this one. I recommend it even over my favorite titles. It's a good time, invoking, and engaging.

One of the greatest game experiences of all time, and there's plenty of bias when making that claim, I'm sure.

I just couldn't believe how immersive and engaging the story and gameplay was for this game. I know the pixel art style is all the rage these days, but still, don't let it discourage you a bit from picking this up.

It's well-known now that this game was a passion project between Nintendo and Square (now Square-Enix), back in the day when they were experimenting collaborating (Super Mario RPG was another rare collaboration between them). The music was composed mostly by Yasunori Mitsuda, and his senior the legendary Nabuo Uematsu helped on a few other tracks. Most notably the style of the character and creature art was made by Akira Toriyama of Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest fame.

The concept of the game is "traveling through time". Not just forward but backwards as well. The game pulls this off in such thoughtful ways, that you can't help but be drawn in. It never gets too complicated, either. It has a story to tell and it tells it in a way that touches you.

The gameplay is easy to understand and handling equipment/weapons is as simple as it gets. It feels really good leveling up, and the game presents plenty of optional challenges that will leave you wanting to grind at least a little bit to see if you can beat it (not to mention the rewards for beating optional bosses are quite good as well).

It's also pretty well known by now that this was one or if not The first game to have the "new game plus" feature, where when you beat the game you can start a new game with the level you were at previously and all of your equipment and special attacks. Not to mention, there's a boss you can fight in the early game and they put it there intentionally for new game plus characters (good luck!).

All this to say this game is definitely worth your time.

This game is so good, but it has a huge drawback; the pacing.

There's a looooot of padding in this game.... the dungeons/levels/chapters you're going through are agonizingly long with very little interesting environment to look at. I felt myself bored to tears at times with some of the levels, and it's really unfortunate because there's some things this game does really well.

Another misstep is that the companions you collect that give Mario his special abilities are painfully stale opposed to the colorful cast of characters in Paper Mario 64 & Thousand-Year Door. Its really unfortunate that this game is doomed to be compared with it's predecessors in such a way, but it's really shocking that they couldn't come up with more visually interesting partners.... Especially since the villains in this game have REALLY good design. What happened?

Despite all of that, this game redeems itself with one aspect-- the plot.

The plot is good. Really good. The dialogue is incredibly witty and entertaining as well. Peach, Bowser, and Luigi are given really great characterization and you can tell the writing team put in their A-game for this one.

The gameplay is alright. They took out the strategy aspect of it. As a fan of the last two Paper Mario games, I remember being incredibly disappointed that they nixed the turn based combat, but with how long the game is I can see why they did it. I try to be a little kinder about it now, but at worst its just nothing to write home about. You hop or pound enemies to fight them and they explode into coins. Its a much more streamlined battle system.

This game should be played!! It's a story you don't want to miss. Pushing through the long bits is worth it, in my opinion, but if you can't well... look up the cutscenes on YouTube or something.

Anyway. Mr. L.

This game is pretty damn good!

Its gorgeous, for one. And secondly, it's a good step for the Ace Attorney franchise. It really gave it a fresh coat of paint!

Having this be set in the past means the conveniences of our modern technology isn't there, so it gives solving cases an interesting edge.

The art is really good. I would have to say that I'm disappointed they took a step back from the stylized mocap they used in Spirit of Justice for the 3DS, and with this one they're doing full on mocap..... it's a little disappointing but Capcom relies pretty heavily on mocap (looking at you, Monster Hunter). I feel like the mocap could've done better with some animation styling it. Still, the facial expressions are really great!

I haven't finished this game yet, but I'm really eager to pick it up again.

13-year-old me would never recover from how bland this game actually is.

I wanted to like this game so much, especially since most of us who's introduction to Fire Emblem came from Smash Bros. Melee with Roy being in it. You know the pipeline; see mysterious anime boys in Melee -> wonder what its about -> find out what "Fire Emblem" is -> hear about them releasing a Fire Emblem game soon on the GBA -> its Fire Emblem 7 -> play FE7 -> realize the mc is NOT Roy..... -> find out that Roy is in the sequel to FE7 -> "wait, FE6 was made before FE7?"

Good grief the writing in this game is so bland it had me begging for something interesting to happen. But it's just too predictable. You get your rainbow-haired cast but there's not a lot of characterization that goes with it... not a lot of depth.

I'm almost glad this game didn't release in North America... but I still wish it was available officially in some capacity. I played this game on a fan-translated cart I bought on Etsy (I don't have the patience for emulators on computers... skill issue on my part 100%)

And yes, it was extremely frustrating to play this entire game (which is pretty difficult, by the way) and then realize you didn't get the "good" ending. Because there were no solid hints that you should be collecting certain mcguffins before the final fight. Geez.

I sincerely hope this game gets a remake someday. Thats my pipe dream fantasy. A remake of FE7 +FE6 bundled together with refreshed writing and more depth. Probably wont happen, but I can dream.

Hmm.... I remember liking this game a lot when back when it came out for the first time, but I guess time has not been kind to this entry.

Still, I like it. It has good gameplay feel, in my opinion. And when you jump from Circle of the Moon (the first Castlevania GBA title) to this, the colors are so very refreshing on the eyes.

I actually adore the music, and I barely realized that it was SO compressed until people brought it up in reviews I've seen/read of this game..... I think the music is really good, so crunchiness aside, its got a good ost.

I couldn't tell you a thing about the story, though. I need to replay this one, and I plan to someday.

I adored every minute of this game.

I was actually really surprised most people don't seem to like this installment in the franchise, so I'm chalking my experience up to the fact that this is the very first Ace Attorney game I've played.

The thing I loved most is the look of this game. The 3D models and animated mocap looks incredible, and gives SO much life to these characters on screen. I was playing with anticipation wondering how people would break down in crazy ways when you have them cornered in a lie!

I adored the cast, and I like how you'd play as different defense attorneys. I liked each of the stories and found it all gripping. Made me fall in love with the Ace Attorney series and I've been playing more of them since.

My wife owns the art/concept book for this game, and while flipping through it I was so intrigued by the character design that I instantly wanted to pick up the game and play it.

One of the most addicting games to play! When you've got a little time to kill, it's the perfect game to hop on for a few rounds.

This was my introduction to Tetris, as I was picking up things to learn during the lockdown in 2020. This game being a battle royale really is where the fun is at! Its thrilling to try your best to aim for the top, even beginners like I was will find it really fun to figure out your strategy for holding out as long as you can! As often as I've played, I've haven't managed to snag that #1 yet. And its still fun to keep trying anyway.