Hmm.... I remember liking this game a lot when back when it came out for the first time, but I guess time has not been kind to this entry.

Still, I like it. It has good gameplay feel, in my opinion. And when you jump from Circle of the Moon (the first Castlevania GBA title) to this, the colors are so very refreshing on the eyes.

I actually adore the music, and I barely realized that it was SO compressed until people brought it up in reviews I've seen/read of this game..... I think the music is really good, so crunchiness aside, its got a good ost.

I couldn't tell you a thing about the story, though. I need to replay this one, and I plan to someday.

I sincerely apologize to say that this is one of my favorite games. Top fifteen, maybe.

But this is Not a Star Fox game. This is Dinosaur Planet. It honestly should've stayed that way, and it's really frustrating that Nintendo didn't trust the product enough on its own merit and felt they had to shove Star Fox in. I say this as a Star Fox fan. Seeing how the game was nearly completed on its own before the complete overhaul was heartbreaking. I recommend watching any YouTube video that documents and talks about it. Its honestly fascinating.

This game is gorgeous on the GameCube. The visuals were great for the time, and I have too many fond memories of playing this game and wandering all over the planet to explore it. It slogs for a minute at the second "level" with Moon Mountain Pass, but gets more interesting from there.

It's a game that can't help but be silly because it knows its silly (mostly from Star Fox being there, to be honest). Rare did an exceptional job with this one. It really sucks that this game is responsible for tarnishing people's trust in the Star Fox series, though. And I agree that it did.

But take it for what it is, if you can. Just enjoy a silly little adventure about talking animals and talking dinosaurs. You'll really enjoy the unique environments and game world.

13-year-old me would never recover from how bland this game actually is.

I wanted to like this game so much, especially since most of us who's introduction to Fire Emblem came from Smash Bros. Melee with Roy being in it. You know the pipeline; see mysterious anime boys in Melee -> wonder what its about -> find out what "Fire Emblem" is -> hear about them releasing a Fire Emblem game soon on the GBA -> its Fire Emblem 7 -> play FE7 -> realize the mc is NOT Roy..... -> find out that Roy is in the sequel to FE7 -> "wait, FE6 was made before FE7?"

Good grief the writing in this game is so bland it had me begging for something interesting to happen. But it's just too predictable. You get your rainbow-haired cast but there's not a lot of characterization that goes with it... not a lot of depth.

I'm almost glad this game didn't release in North America... but I still wish it was available officially in some capacity. I played this game on a fan-translated cart I bought on Etsy (I don't have the patience for emulators on computers... skill issue on my part 100%)

And yes, it was extremely frustrating to play this entire game (which is pretty difficult, by the way) and then realize you didn't get the "good" ending. Because there were no solid hints that you should be collecting certain mcguffins before the final fight. Geez.

I sincerely hope this game gets a remake someday. Thats my pipe dream fantasy. A remake of FE7 +FE6 bundled together with refreshed writing and more depth. Probably wont happen, but I can dream. this a "game"? I guess that's up for debate, but I see this more as a tracker.

I've been playing this since day 1 expecting very little. It blowed pretty hard until recently (I'm writing this as of January of 2024, and it's had multiple refined updates since its launch).

Before the big updates, I had to rest my phone on an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Yeah. It was that bad. I dont know why, but I still wanted to keep going. I guess I was holding out for it to fix itself (which it did, since I no longer have to use an ice pack. I made sure to gently pester the developers of this game about the heating + crashing problem)

Honestly I like how simple this game is. I dont have to be "the best" at anything, I just need five little guys with me to help track my sleep. That's it. I will say the rewards for leveling up suck pretty badly, and you'll want to be saving up all your Pokemon biscuits as much as you possibly can (which is really hard when you need to record and befriend Pokemon to progress to new "sleeping areas"....)

Anyway, I think its a cute way to track sleep. That's all it really is. Its not very deep or complex, and I only need to open the app 3 times a day. It's relieving to have a game not pester you constantly to keep it open and keep playing, so I like how lax it is.

Also for some reason I get an insane amount of shinies. I've gotten about 6 so far and I have no idea why. I've never gotten a shiny in all the years I've played Pokemon so I suspect they raised the shiny rate to attract players? maybe? It's cool but strange.

This game is an improvement and more from the original Pokemon Snap in every way!

It's plenty of fun, and it makes going through levels multiple times less of a chore and more rewarding.

I adore this game to pieces, but it is sloooooooowwww.

I really like the world and concept of Colosseum! Playing as an antihero definitely needs to come back... this little experimental game was a breath of fresh air for the Pokemon franchise at the time.

Similar to the issue with its predecessor Pokemon Stadium though, it can be a slog to engage in battles. The music is pretty good but... gets repetitive. Its an absolute shame that the tutorial battle music is used so rarely since it's more hyped up than the actual main battle theme, in my opinion.

Pick up this game for the novelty of it.

I adored every minute of this game.

I was actually really surprised most people don't seem to like this installment in the franchise, so I'm chalking my experience up to the fact that this is the very first Ace Attorney game I've played.

The thing I loved most is the look of this game. The 3D models and animated mocap looks incredible, and gives SO much life to these characters on screen. I was playing with anticipation wondering how people would break down in crazy ways when you have them cornered in a lie!

I adored the cast, and I like how you'd play as different defense attorneys. I liked each of the stories and found it all gripping. Made me fall in love with the Ace Attorney series and I've been playing more of them since.

My wife owns the art/concept book for this game, and while flipping through it I was so intrigued by the character design that I instantly wanted to pick up the game and play it.

The better of the two games, in my opinion.

....but only slightly. I really didn't care for the writing in this game (or in Birthright). I thought it was an interesting stroke for Intelligent Systems to try the Pokemon way of things to boost sales in having one of two games to play with different sides of one story.

But it just wasn't very interesting. They say Conquest was the "harder and darker" story. I suppose that's true, but the dark elements of the story didn't really feel earned. Just sad things happening for the sake of sad things happening. That's how I remembered it, anyway....

Also I'll say it again from my Birthright review; why. can. you. marry. your. siblings. (bUt thEYre yOuR adOPteD sibLI--I do not care) Leave that to the doujinshi's to make...... I'm serious! I'm laughing while writing this... fans will always make the content they want to make. I don't think we needed incestuous relationships in this already struggling plot. This is why people started calling Fire Emblem a waifu simulator (something that irks the older fans like me of the franchise). Sure, marrying your blorbo is great.... but I want a good story with that, too.

Am I asking for too much? Maybe so.

This was the ultimate game to rent back in the day; JUST Pokemon battles and a few minigames to play with your friends!

I'd say its "quick fun" but the battles do take a minute with all the swooping cameras. It was crazy to see Pokemon with 3D models back then.... so we all ate it up and didn't mind the wait, I think.

I think this game shows its age now, but it's still good fun. I think it's fun for younger Pokemon fans to just grab a bunch of Pokemon and have them battle it out!

And I mentioned it briefly above but the mini games are awesome. Play them!!

I played both Birthright and Conquest. This game is a bit below Conquest for me.

The story wasn't very compelling, and it was really difficult to like the characters beyond their design. Fire Emblem as a franchise does have difficulty fleshing out their characters usually (because there's so many as always), and the cast from the entire Fates games seemed like caricatures of tropes.

The only reason why this game doesn't get a 1 star is because the art is so beautiful. Yusuke Kozaki's art style really elevates what's going on here.

Other than that, I don't know... I suppose this game may be good for very young Fire Emblem players. But then again, having the option to marry your siblings is...... uh.... why did they do that.

I don't even want to start talking about how lazy the baby dimension was.

Anyway. 2 stars.

One of the most addicting games to play! When you've got a little time to kill, it's the perfect game to hop on for a few rounds.

This was my introduction to Tetris, as I was picking up things to learn during the lockdown in 2020. This game being a battle royale really is where the fun is at! Its thrilling to try your best to aim for the top, even beginners like I was will find it really fun to figure out your strategy for holding out as long as you can! As often as I've played, I've haven't managed to snag that #1 yet. And its still fun to keep trying anyway.

This game is in my top 5 favorites of all time.

Incredible story, amazingly thoughtful character writing with depth, fascinating lore, and the stakes are as high as they get. "Tales of" games always lure you in with what seems like a simple story at first, but then eventually spirals into earth-shattering revelations that makes the cast re-evaluate their place in the world. Its honestly very gripping.

That being said, as much as I love this game it has its issues; namely the pacing. You'll have to be willing to stick with the story and see where it goes. It does take a hot minute for it to kick in. Though I think it's worth it, some people might be impatient with that and I understand that.

People have said the voice acting is cringe but I truly just don't get that at all (if anything its having such talented voice actors say their lines with barely emotive half-chibi avatars that's the REALLY jarring thing about it). Scott Menville as Lloyd Irving is his best role, in my opinion. I think the writing in general balances silly with serious pretty well, for the most part (you'll really want those little silly moments after some of the heavy things this game will throw at you... woof)

This game is not short; its one of the longest rpg's out there. But if you're looking to get immersed in a world and want something deeper in your rpg's, this is what you want to pick up!

A really cute game that works on a simple mechanic. Its fun to pick up and play it casually for sure! Though I remember being a little lost on how to progress to new levels at times. Its plenty satisfying to figure it out on your own, though.

This was pretty much the perfect rental game (along with Pokemon Stadium) back when physical rentals were a thing!

I would love to finish this game someday, since I stopped playing at the very last level and got stuck (I suffer from skill issues pretty severely lol)

This game is just so beautiful and perfect. It brought back the pixel art game craze in a big way. The music and sound design leaves you wanting to keep going and play more!

the only thing I remember was them eating pizza at the very end..... I think I liked it? I couldn't tell you what the plot was about, I seemed to have thrown it out of my memory.