Characters I Drew On My Math Tests at School

The other day at work I found myself attempting to sketch Pepperman from Pizza Tower during downtime at break, it's kind of heartwarming in theory that a bunch of kids bored at school could've been doing the same thing. I'm sorry to say, but I no longer have access to my old sketchbooks, I fear they have straight up vanished during one of many moves I had to partake in, so I can't show scans of any of these.

Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
I was a Sega kid who adored the shit out of Sonic, it goes without saying that I sketched this rat multiple times. Robuttnik in his Flying Buttmobile was a common sight, since you don't have to draw any arms or legs. Did I have an OC? Whose to say? I used Sonic Adventure here, because massive hot take; I prefer the Adventure designs over the Classic ones! GASP!!!
Crash Bandicoot: Warped
Crash Bandicoot: Warped
All of the Crash baddies were common sights in my notebooks back then, for some reason N.Tropy showed up a lot and I think it was because I just liked his big dumb hat. Despite his hat though, he paled in comparison to how much Tiny Tiger guest starred in my comics. As a sign of where my childish mindset was at the time, Tiny would often have trouble with flushing his toilet and desire help from everyone nearby.
Spyro the Dragon
Spyro the Dragon
Heh, did you expect anything less? One of my most perfected arts since childhood was sketching perfectly cut gems. I blame this game for my unhealthy obsession of gemstones and shiny rocks.
Jersey Devil
Jersey Devil
Yeah....this cad showed up a few times....don't say his name too loudly....
Twisted Metal 2
Twisted Metal 2
There was a time where I literally couldn't stop drawing cars with guns on them and shit. It was the coolest thing ever to me, and I don't care how dumb that makes me sound. Gimme a Ford Escort with a mounted flamethrower on the top of it, that shit's more cool than whatever you think is cool.
Pokémon Blue Version
Pokémon Blue Version
Almost as inevitable as Kirby for anyone growing up during the great Pokemon tsunami of 1998 that leveled every playground and cafeteria. The most common showings were of course Pikachu and Jigglypuff thanks to Smash Bros 64. Voltorb and Magnemite were also common, since even an armless mongoose could sketch those two.
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
One of my longest running attempts at a personal comic was a Royal Rumble match involving a ton of Mario characters. Most of them were just Koopa Troopas in stupid gimmicks, one of them was a hockey player for some reason. Let me tell ya, attempting to draw Waluigi taking a german suplex from a Shy Guy is harder than it sounds. [and really fuckin' funny]
Zero Divide
Zero Divide
Here it is, the oddball. The Joker in the deck. The third pea in the pod. The loosest goose ya ever did see. This is the thing that personalizes this list towards myself, because we all have the oddball game that we were randomly attached to thanks to moms buying shit at discount from rental stores cleaning out their inventory. I still love the designs of the robot characters in this game, Zulu is the fuckin' coolest. Look at how cool he is!!!
Jumping Flash!
Jumping Flash!
It sucks that it felt like I was the only kid who knew what Jumping Flash was, the HUD featuring a cartoon Robbit staring at the player pretty much helped me get the sketches of them down pat. Their hoppity nature made them a common sight for the background in my crappy comics.
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country
Normally I would just include Donkey Kong with Mario in this instance, but I feel it's worth mentioning that for whatever reason Diddy Kong was constantly slammed inside a garbage can. I have no idea why I apparently hated them so much, or maybe it just humored my idiotic mind for some reason? I totally drew Krusha a ton too, something about a buff crocodile in fatigues with a mohawk.
Battle Cars
Battle Cars
Spikey the Car showed up a few times on my papers, I can't explain why a game with a title as woefully generic as "Battle Cars" managed to imprint itself on me. Something about cars that are just spikes man.
Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Adventure
I feel like this one is almost an inevitably with everyone who had even thought about picking up a pencil for something other than answering their questions. I mean, hell, they literally encourage drawing the bastard in the intro of this particular entry! Sucks they got rid of it in the Nightmare in Dream Land remake, yet another reason that thing blows asscheeks.
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco the Dolphin
Wanna know how good I was at drawing a dolphin? Really really not-good, or at best I would just draw them really tiny so I wouldn't need to actually draw them well. I recall making a really haphazard flip book animation of them somersaulting out of the water once.
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat
This feels like it barely counts, but I drew the logo a bunch. My version of the "Cool S" I guess.
Mega Man
Mega Man
One of the strangest bits I ever did that I can remember is Cut Man and Air Man going around running a shady pizza delivery service. Why it was these two in particular is beyond me. I wanna say Cut Man maybe sliced up the pizzas, and Air Man cooked it somehow? Always knew that guy blew a lot of hot air.
You have no idea how close I was to finalizing this list, before I realized that I was missing Pac-Man. Humiliating and embarrassing if I had never drawn Pac-Man eating my math problems. Thank you Mr. Man for your service!


the most important list on this site
"...I prefer the Adventure designs over the Classic ones!"

you dropped this, king 👑

1 year ago

I miss the Adventure designs for Sonic. Best art style out of the whole series. Overall cool list, the Mega Man drawing sounds like the best one imo.

1 year ago

Always great to see more Adventure design appreciators, it's more than just memes propping up that cover art.

The Cut Man/Air Man pizza delivery service thing scares me upon remembrance, because I wanna say I totally did other wacky occupations for characters. Waluigi's Laundromat and Car Repair Service, etc.

1 year ago

can relate. when I was a wee lad I would bring around a journal in my bag and write kirby fanfiction in it. come to think of it, I should upload that somewhere

1 year ago

Fanfiction rules, easy as shit to setup and practice your writing when 95-100% of the characters and setting are already placed for you.

1 year ago

What in the fuck dude I was literally thinking of making this exact list

1 year ago

@Cheddar feel free to make yours!! Don't let me hold you down!! I mean, there's no way in hell you'd also have Battle Cars and Zero Divide on yours, lol.

1 year ago

Nahhh, probably the only fun one on mine would be the time they had to call my parents because I drew Mecha-Hitler from Wolfenstein 3D on a spelling test in first grade

1 year ago

@cheddar lmao, fantastic.

1 year ago

All of us drew our weird musclebound DBZ characters with their tiny heads, lol. Whack-ass beach ball arms.

1 year ago

Draw them with baggy pants and have them constantly keep their hands in their pockets like they just swiped a Crunch Bar or something.

1 month ago

the most important list on this site [2]

1 month ago

@CDX yooooo, thanks for the shout and thank you so much for reminding me of this shit. Felt my heart get all warm and fuzzy rereading all of this.

1 month ago

@Vee There is a saying in Brazil:

"We serve well so we can serve forever."

1 month ago

In all seriousness though, I really enjoyed your stories with drawing characters. XD Laughed hard with the pizza delivery service.

1 month ago

@CDX always a pleasure to hear that I can brighten someone's day! reminds me that I should really be drawing more...oh to be a kid again with such free time....


1 month ago

"Free time"? What's that? It's something edible or it's supposed to be applied in the hair?

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