Vee 5x5

Games that are near and dear, not necessarily amazing or even good maybe. Avoided games already on my favorites for my profile.

Spyro the Dragon
Spyro the Dragon
The peak of how much I could've possibly loved a game, fantastic and just way too charming for it's own good.
Jumping Flash!
Jumping Flash!
Was the next coolest thing after Star Fox back then, Robbit will always be the best Sony character. You can't beat the robo bunny Kratos, sorry.
Bloody Roar 2
Bloody Roar 2
THE coolest fucking fighting game ever, fuck Konami.
Tekken 2
Tekken 2
The first 3D fighter that truly gripped me, VF2 showed me it could work but it lacked the charm that T2 would throw at me.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
My childhood, period. That's all I can say.
Wario Land 4
Wario Land 4
The Wario Land series in general was a big series for me, just absolutely fantastic from start to finish, Master of Disguise doesn't exist. I already started getting attached to Wario as a character from playing as him in Mario Party, but when I got WL3 and was introduced to his series he became a favorite for life.
WarioWare: Twisted!
WarioWare: Twisted!
Wario was so good he got TWO amazing series of games, Twisted is probably my favorite and it was the only GBA game I went out of my way to keep because emulation couldn't really duplicate it's gimmick well at the time.
Pokémon Black Version 2
Pokémon Black Version 2
Of course, well Pokemon. I could've put Blue version here, but B/W are still the peak of the series in terms of the mainline games as far as I'm concerned nostalgia be damned.

I still like Blue version, but I really need to do a write up or something for it.
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country
The DKC series is like supreme comfort food for me, if I'm feeling down I'll boot up either this one or DKC2 and already feel better.
Dynasty Warriors 3
Dynasty Warriors 3
Sometimes a game doesn't need complex mechanics or a big storyline to keep your interest, all you need is satisfying comfort from killing hordes of soldiers with the coolest fucking music going off.
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim
My entry into PC gaming was a fun time, I could put Starcraft or even a Command and Conquer game here, but shockingly neither of those are as charming to me as this goofy fantasy castle sim with dumb hero NPCs.
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden
If it says anything about just how cool Ninja Gaiden is to me, the fact that it can bumrush it's way into a nostalgia list despite not entering my life until my discovery of emulation speaks volumes.
Super R-Type
Super R-Type
My first shmup ever, it's not fantastic at all, but the music is a bop and I at one point wanted to put the sound effects from this game on my phone!
Twisted Metal 2
Twisted Metal 2
Car combat is the coolest fucking genre that lasted a total of like six years maybe, the natural evolution of battle mode from Mario Kart. I want more of this shit dammit.
Mega Bomberman
Mega Bomberman
My first Bummerman, I actually never owned it but I played it a ton on Sega Channel back then. I don't care if it's a worse version of Bomberman 94, this rules.
The King of Fighters 2002
The King of Fighters 2002
The PS2 version of this was my first KoF, I already was introduced to SNK characters through Capcom vs SNK and a very brief play of Fatal Fury 2 at a friend's house. The coolest cast of fighting game characters you'll ever find tbfh.
Hydro Thunder
Hydro Thunder
I think I might've used 300 dollars worth of quarters on this shit throughout my life, it's everywhere but it's such a fucking joy to play. I even own physical copies of every port it got.
Cyborg Justice
Cyborg Justice
The coolest game during the 16-bit era, Star Fox might come close. A little.
Assault Rigs
Assault Rigs
"What the fuck is Assault Rigs?"

Well, you ever have that one super obscure game you had growing up and loved the shit out of? That's this game for me, it's like a bastard child of Battlezone and Spyro the Dragon, it's fun as shit.
Looney Tunes B-Ball
Looney Tunes B-Ball
Looney Tunes B-Ball Backloggd 4P when?
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Turok's still cool as shit to me, the platforming shit sucks but it's still satisfying to kill stuff in this game.
WWE WrestleMania XIX
WWE WrestleMania XIX
I had to put a wrestling game on this list, and honestly it's gotta be this one. It's a wrestling game that knows full well it's a video game, it's single player mode has you going around beating the shit out of construction workers to prevent them from building the WrestleMania arena.

It's fuckin' great.
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
The first game to actually make me give a shit about it's story, it probably helps I played it at the perfect time where I would care but I digress.
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot
Only the first Crash Bandicoot! I never played the full versions of it's sequels until later, sans the two spinoff games. I played this way too much with my dad back then, I think the last time I played it I almost 1 life'd it.
Star Fox
Star Fox
This thing was too cool, it obviously bounces right off people these days but it was really something back then. Every time I play it though I feel like I'm experiencing peak presentation, the music and sound effects certainly help that feeling.


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