137 Reviews liked by Veznan

one of the most boring ARPGs i have ever played and i dont understand that how it got so beloved. It just feels like a mediocre PSX game coated in a gross puke filter. Without DLCs and the first half's level design it is easily a 3/10

bakın arkadaşlar sadece ortaya fikirler fırlatıp inşallah tutar demek ile iş yapılmıyor ortaya fikir atmışlar ama cilanın c si yok büyük orman yapıp rastgele ağaçlar ve düşmanlar koymak ile çok anlamlı çok chill map yapmış olmuyorsun onun yerine resmen unfinished bir ürün sunmuş oluyorsun zor diyenler de ne düşünüyor bilmiyorum çünkü dünyanın en kolay oyunu filan en fazla 3 kere öldüm herhangi bir bossa en zor denilen artoriası 3.seferde kestim bazı bosslara ölmedim bile birde poise olayına ağlayanlar cidden beyinsiz ya hani rezil ve bozuk bir mekanik o zırh olayı son olarak söylemek istediğim şey ise dark souls 2 nin yanında bu oyun şaheser kalıyor dark souls 2 ne biçim insanlığa hakaret birşey öyle amk

Bu yıl benim için GOTY adaylarının en büyüklerinden. Evet, Persona 3 fanboyu biri olarak Persona 3 Reload'un olduğu yılda bunu demem biraz ilginç, ama "Remake"leri GOTY dışı tutarsak, Unicorn Overlord benim için her açıdan tatmin edici olduğundan dolayı kafam rahat bir şekilde GOTY adayım diyebiliyorum. Stratejik oynanışı ve derinliği, karakterleri, yan görevleri, hatta incelememde "klişe" dediğim ana senaryosu bile bolca eğlenceli saatler yaşattı.

80 saatin sonunda dönüp baktığımda arayüzünün alışana kadar acı çektirmesi dışında kötü hatırladığım tek şey bazı Unit'lerin oyunun bayağı sonlarına doğru gelip pek tadını çıkaramamış olmak sanırım. Bu ikisi dışında taktiksel RPG seven herkese gözüm kapalı önerebileceğim bir oyun Unicorn Overlord.

Uzun uzadıya incelememi okumak isterseniz OGZ'de inceledim.


It really was kinobringers

Tetsuya Nomura is like Midas of the gaming industry, except everything he touches turns into shit instead of gold

If you are sad that bloober team is going to stomp on everything that Silent Hill 2 is all about with their eventual dogshit remake than don't worry because the best silent hill game made since 3 is right here! Enjoy this game while you can before people try and tell you it’s overrated or nothing but annoying people talk about it and get you mad

After losing my save when the game came out and putting off replaying back to where i was 2 years later i am happy i finally did it. I knew i would love it, i knew it would be amazing and still it blew me away.

Japon Dili'nden mezun olmak için duyduğuma göre bu oyunu %100lemeniz gerekiyormuş

Combining interesting setting and story with terrible gameplay.



the only enjoyable part of this game is in its last 3 hours which is relatively short for a 30 hour game (30 hours more if you wanna get the other route endings too), just dont waste your time on this and play silent hill 2 or OFF instead

PS:Screw Omocat for showing that they dont care about their PC gamers by making all of the new additions of the game console-exclusive, which is an insult to the literal core of rpgmaker vidya

Would you lose?
Nah, I'd reverse time 4 Minutes Before Death

Well this was definitely a journey,DQ7 is heavily flawed,most of the skills you get from grinding the classes are worthless and you end up using a few OP one over and over,trivilazing the fights,user interface feels very sluggish and cumbersome to control,game sometimes struggles on the 3DS,dungeons are overall very "meh" worthy,i can keep going,but in the grand scheme of things,these are fairly minor issues except for the very simple battles,because this game provides an overwhelming sense of scale and adventure like no other JRPG,every few hours you encounter different storylines,different towns with their own culture,atmosphere and characters,even if you don't like one,you can count on that it's going to end soon for a completely new island.Tone of some of these stories are surprisingly dark and melancholic,but never enough to kill that sense of joyous adventure.Out of the 3 Dragon Quest games i've played so far,7 easily has the best story and atmosphere,but it didn't still reached the heights of 11 for me,still a must play for those who can tolerate longer,slower paced RPG's

Hayatımda bu kadar amaçsız bir ekip, bu kadar klişe ve silik bir senaryo ve bu kadar sıkıcı bir son çeyrek görmedim, herhalde oynadığım tüm jrpg'ler içersinde bana hiçbir katkısı olmayan yegane oyun bu olabilir

Works of Yasumi Matsuno always clicked with me in a spesific way that i can't really put it into words, maybe it's the complex political struggles, gray characters and harsh tone of his stories,written in a fantastic Shakespearian English, which is a style of language that i always adore,maybe it's the fantastic art direction by Akihiko Yoshida and epic music by Hitoshi Sakimoto that perfecly suits the tone of the world, or maybe it's the incredibly deep and complex gameplay systems that always make me feel like i completely missed the best parts of gameplay in second playthroughs.It's all of these actually, but a little more than that. And Tactics Ogre is probably his "definitive" game,the one with least drawbacks. From start to finish(except the final boss ) this game is absolute perfection. There are a few minor things that i can nitpick about, but no major flaws. This game captures all of the things i love so much about Matsuno games, and polishes it to the point where it's enjoyable in every single second of 40 hours i spend on it(which is a number that will no doubt increase significantly with the other story routes and postgame content)
Story is a fantastic tale that deals with themes like war, genocide, suicide, and the philosophy of "ends justifying the means" and it's paced pretty much perfecly, in every single cutscene, i was completely drawn in to the harsh and politically fragile world of Valeria, and it's gray and layered characters. Story overall resembels FFT quite a bit, but my main problem with the story of FFT, was the fact that it turned into a generic "save the world from the big bad guy" type of story by the Chapter 4 (don't get me wrong, it's still one of my favorite stories in a JRPG no doubt) but Tactics Ogre avoids that, and keeps the political tone of the story consistent throught the whole game, and the fact that i only saw like, one third of the story makes me so excited to play the other routes
Gameplay is another aspect where Tactics Ogre shines.On the surface, it's a standard SRPG,but system goes so deep and opens up so much customization and experimentaion,while keeping the balance of the battles extremely sharp and satisfying, every single battle was a blast, just like the story, i only utilized a fraction of the options game presents and tried 10 or so different classes, and i feel like even with these classes, i feel like can play this game for well over a hundred hours, and game has like, 40 classes and a bunch of unique recruitable characters. Systems are very accessable, balanced, deep, and most importantly, a ton of fun
While i still think Vagrant Story's OST is Hitoshi Sakimoto's magnum opus, and the emotinal tunes of FFT is makes me prefer it a bit more, music is still incredibly memorable, bombastic and epic, and makes the battles a whole lot more engaging, tracks like Fight It Out will probably play in my head for a good couple of weeks
Like i said, i have very little nitpicks about this game, but nitpicks nonetheless, first of all, i don't like how archers are practically useless after chapter 2,and i don't like that some skills are triggers automatically unlike the PSP version, sure, you can collect cards to increase the chance to trigger them, but i would so much prefer to have 1 or 2 additional skill slots for manual use of those skills. And while i appreciate the level cap for allowing a more consistent and balanced difficulty, there are points where you stuck at level 19 and 26 for hours, making every battle practically useless for your characters. And while i don't usually like to grind and break RPG's like this, i would have prefer to having the option
Except for these issues, i don't really have a problem with this game, i would recommend it hard for anyone that likes SRPG's, deep gameplay systems, or more serious, mature mediaval fantasy settings. If anything i said even remotely interests you, please pick this game up, amount of content easily justifies the price tag in my opinion