Futuristic Inglorious Bastards.

This game has one of the best villians in all of gaming hands down. Handsome Jack is so well put together and voice acted that I cant remember another game where I couldnt wait to hear what other insult the villian could give me. So many laughs and so much fun.

Despite what people say this game is a 10/10. The story is gripping and Abby is a badass.

Best Star Wars game ever made. Even though others think it hasnt aged well I think it has aged like fine wine. I love the combat, the story is better than any of the movies, and HK is in it.

I will always remember that first time when you wake up and walk out of the cave to see this bright, wide open world to explore. The game lets you go anywhere, do anything, and doesn't hold your hand like other Zelda's. It is the best adventure game ever and I have yet to see everything in it 4 years later.

Not as good as first but better than Inquisition.

This game made me pee myself. No joke

Futuristic Inglorious Bastards 2.

I know its not the best Halo but its my favorite. They added sprint to a game that didnt need it but it works. They added really cool assassinations and as a kid when this came out it was the perfect FPS for me.

Fable: TLC was the first game I ever beat. Fable 1 has a soft place in my heart. It doesn't hold up very well and I wouldn't recommend playing it if you haven't before, unless you can get by the quirkyness and clunky controls

This game is a movie quality in writing. This game an emotional roller-coaster and every second will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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There are moments I love but those moments are soiled by the ending which doesn't care about any of your choices.

For me, the story wasnt as engaging as the first. The characters didnt grab me and there was so much wrong with the game I had to install 2 mods to even get it working properly.

I can remember the late nights playing this with my dad. This is the game that made cover shooters a thing.

Meh, its good for co-op but ruined the ending of the series and destroyed Visceral.