This game is just good, there are no more words in the english lexicon to describe how good this game is that haven't been used already

This game is a perfect roguelike and even after all this time It has aged superbly, like a fine wine I come back after literal years of beefing runs only to ruin another handful before putting it back on the shelf. Not to mention the hilarious multiplayer mod.

A game that left a big mark on me and was one of my earlier attempts to play games competitively.

A hilarious and fun game and even with blazes existance vanilla still has a reason to be played in my eyes

Fantastic game. Just wish I had more people to play it with.

The one answer to " if you could make one game the most popular game on the planet, what would it be? " is always this game. It has some unbelievable potential and i can only dream of what it could achieve.

Absolutely amazing, it will never not be funny watching people go crazy that a game can release and be feature complete but people will still be mad about no DLC

Multiplayer mod goes hard

fucking terrible, and I'm not even gonna pretend like 1 was any better.

Great game and was interesting but kinda just silently flopped like a fart in the wind

My balls hurt and my wife mysteriously disappeared after I stopped taking my meds to grind daily's

uhnn............... dead guy.