it’s fucking assassin’s creed 2 dude. what else can i rate this game?

a classic and rightfully so. this game seamlessly combines the style and aesthetics of film noir with fluid and blisteringly intense action gameplay. all the while telling a highly compelling story with rich characters and plenty of twists and turns. i love it.

a masterclass of atmosphere and interactive storytelling.

rockstars most underrated game? it damn well might be.

the best fallout game and one of my favorite games of all time. a completely exceptional RPG that tells an absorbing story filled with great characters, rich drama, stakes, and a layer of political and moral probing. it never fails to suck me in as quickly and as thoroughly as it did the first time.

I still love the shit out of this game.

not sure why i didnt log this before. good stuff.

possibly my favorite dlc of all time.

I love this game to pieces. It’s such a perfect continuation of Assassin’s Creed 2 both in terms of its overarching narrative and in its base level narrative. Seeing Ezio go from an arrogant young man consumed by anger and revenge to a strong leader with an adamant devotion to justice is just sublime character writing. The moment to moment gameplay, side missions, and level design are the best they’ve ever been in the franchise.

really strong and engaging experience overall. the story (while not being anything special) is executed very well and it kept me invested throughout. where this game really excels though is in its tight gameplay, level design, and its mix of different genres and sensibilities.

my favorite uncharted game? it damn well might be. this game brought nathan drakes adventures full circle through an emotional journey that felt distinctive, mature, bold, and deeply introspective yet honored the franchise roots and payed tribute to its characters.