Tinhead is alright, I love how it looks, music is solid, but its a breakneck exploration based platformer that was a bit hard to get to grips with. Not a bad game but I've played better.

A fun little game that will take you about 40 minutes or less to play through. Visuals and music are pretty nice!

First SNES Homebrew I ever played! Wild. Super Boss Gaiden is a fun little action brawler, really cool how it was made for the singular Nintendo PlayStation in existence aside from being playable on SNES hardware & emulation as well. Very goofy with it's humor and just fun to blast through.

God, this game. I had this game on Wii and I never beat it because it was just plain bad.

I decided to cave in a decade or so later to beat it and yeah, its a bad game but I didn't find it as painful mostly because I been through worse. George gets bitched on by enemies really quick in unfair ways, the game is just really slow in general, and nothing really feels too satisfying to pull off. The best thing about the game is the theme song being used, its an earworm.

TiminGooo! Is the closest thing we'll have to Rhythm Heaven on Switch. For what it is, it's pretty fun, but not as polished as Rhythm Heaven is with it's minigames. Some of TiminGooo's minigames range from fun to annoying, with the latter not being designed well when it comes to the visual & music cues. It boils down to just timed button presses with the music not being a factor with the inputs. Some minigames are also a lot shorter than I expected as well.

The humor is lighthearted, game's visually rooted with Japanese material too so that's also nice to see. And despite my issues with some minigames, I do like some of the music too. I do wish the game pulled new visuals for the 2nd lap of minigames though.

Overall, TiminGooo! is solid. I don't think it would satisfy the itch for Rhythm Heaven fans, but I don't think it's a waste of time either. Defs best to grab on a sale.

This review's mainly for the game's single player story mode campaign. I'll touch on the multiplayer aspect afterward.

I really enjoyed it. As someone that really enjoyed Octo Expansion back in Splatoon 2, 3's campaign was really damn fun and challenging. Some parts infuriating like the target test rail grinding missions, but I felt great getting them done (especially the final post game mission that was satisfying as hell to beat). I also really liked the storyline tying context in for Salmon Run. Fun as hell mode overall.

Now for everything else. Yeah, it's Splatoon. It's fun, I appreciate the QoL features like the Lobby system and fast travel, but I'm not too huge on the new maps. Not only are inkable walls mostly absent in a lot of them, I'm just not a fan of how small they are alongside feeling so geared to combat engagement? It's so counter-intuitive to Splatoon's design philosophy. Splatfests being a 3 way affair whilst also removing the region lock was a double edged sword too. Like yeah, it's cool to participate in Japanese Splatfests properly now, but the skill gap is brutal and Tri Color Splatfests are just stupid in execution.

I've only played Turf War so maybe my opinion would slightly be different if I played other modes, but eh. Online connection was stable as hell (surprisingly) for me so no complaints there. Presentation with music and visuals are great though.

Overall, Splatoon 3 is fun, but I feel like NIntendo could've waited a bit for the next console to release it. The game feels like it dropped too soon. That Single Player is fun though, I may end up grabbing Side Order.

Cute little expansion of an already solid game. The voice acting is silly & charming, and the new 3 levels were cool.

Like the Peppa Pig game I recently completed, I also got this game off that Fanatical Charity bundle. Once again I'm glad my money went to a good cause.

I didn't expect much out of this game lmfao, it's an IP I literally have no knowledge of. That said, its boring. I made it harder for myself by cutting the audio & subtitles so there was some challenge with finding the pawprints because the game really holds your hand throughout the entire playthrough, reminds me of flash games based on other children's properties. The game just seems to assume a child won't grasp anything so solutions are told to you outright.

This game is decent enough for parents to buy for their very young children to get them into videogames based on licensed properties they're into, but idk. If I had my own kids I'd put them on Mario because that easily does the job, or hell, Kirby. If not those two, Mickey & Spongebob have entry level games.

I have literally no knowledge of Bluey and it took me off guard seeing it blow up online. My buddy got me the game as a bit and after I 100%'d it from start to finish-I get it. It's a cute series with cute characters. I see the appeal. The game itself is nothing crazy (I do see the fun in potentially speedrunning it) but I can absolutely see it as a fun game for a family with their kids. It ain't worth 40 bucks so I'd get it on sale.

Short little romp, amazing visuals, great music, the story isn't anything to write home about but you play schmups for the action and challenge anyway. The bullet absorption mechanic was really fun to use, and your incentivized to replay the game after you clear it normally. Defs a solid time.

A cute little arcade style game thats a mix between Burgertime and Snow Bros. Simple and fairly challenging! I really enjoyed it.

Congo Bongo was pretty neat to play. It's SEGA's take on Donkey Kong with it's own bit of flair to differentiate it, mainly with the isometric perspective and control.

Its not one of the best arcade games I've played, there's better games out there, but this was a neat little game to mess with for a bit. May go back to it to see how far I get.

Rise & Shine is a game that was pretty to look at but clunky to play for me to the point where it did mostly hinder my enjoyment of it despite it's short length.

When its fun, its with the boss fights and puzzle solving. When it's not fun, its the enemy waves and moving around. The movement is really slow, clunky, which makes it unsatisfying to play. The story and writing didn't really stick with me either, mostly just skipped the dialogue. The referential videogame humor was neat, I guess.

I hate to sound this negative about this game especially since its being delisted soon (fuck you Warner Bros) but this is my honest opinion on what I've played and I wish I enjoyed this game more. It's not terrible, but I've played better games.

Lunistice was a cute and fun little 3D platformer that had a nice flow to it. This game looks super vibrant, sounds great, and the controls were snappy (love all the options too!). Challenge ramps up fairly well, and the game ends off nicely. Short playthrough overall, but man is it a fun game. I definitely recommend giving it a look!

I snagged Gun Crazy with some of my gold coins on my eshop account cause I didn't know what else I wanted to use that cash on. It was only a buck so screw it. I wasn't expecting much, and that's pretty much what I got. A short and simple little run n gun that looks pretty, controls fine, and is only 4 levels long. Hit detection is a bit jank with the enemy bullets but eh.

I've played better indie games than this, but for what this was it was fairly solid and short enough for me to finish.