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Metal Gear Solid 4 is a unique game among the ones I’ve played. I don’t know if it was MGS4 not being too compatible with the apparently infamous art of PS3 emulation or an issue with the setup on my end but the game was BROKEN. After four crashes, a blue screen, and having to try a RPCS3 build tailor made for this game, the game was finally in a somewhat playable state. Somewhat. Various shaders and graphics failed to load resulting in characters regularly looking like this. The game’s framerate was also extremely poor, most notably the Eastern European city in Act 3 causing shit to perform even worse than “normal.” This culminated in a boss fight against Raging Raven that was borderline unplayable when the performance dipped to below 1 frame per second. It was really funny to watch some of the discourse surrounding the Master Collection having played MGS4 like this. While I'm not going to defend whatever the hell that compilation did to make people mad, everyone upset because that was locked to 30fps would implode after watching gameplay of my MGS4 build for 2 minutes. I enjoyed the game though at least! Despite the graphical and performance issues and my embarrassingly poor skill at Metal Gear games, it was actually beatable! The game itself was fairly solid, though it's probably one of the worst entry points for any media ever. If you like clicking spoiler tagged reviews for games you haven't played, do not even touch this game until you've played the first three. This whole game is built around your prior knowledge of the Metal Gear Saga.

A little while into the game’s famous 70 minute long ending cutscene, one of the backseat gamers begged me to stop using the emulator and watch the rest of the ending on YouTube. He didn’t want some serious moments in the ending to be ruined by the graphics. (Unintentionally good call on his part, we ran it back out of curiosity to see how it’d look and to get the playthrough stats but the game would not progress past the fake credits.) I pulled up the ending on YouTube, he managed to get everyone currently in the Discord call dead silent for the ending to the Metal Gear saga, and it was an emotional conclusion to the game series I had spent the past few months going through… until the EXACT second Big Boss passed away, someone else joins call, not knowing what we’re doing, and says “what’s up my N***as?” It is still probably the biggest mood killer I’ve ever seen in my life.

Tee K.O. 2: Tee K.O. was one of the core Jackbox games for my friend group when we frequently played in 2020, so I was excited to see it revisited. We finally managed to play it after I successfully told everyone they did not need to set up their drawing tablets because you're not supposed to put effort into Jackbox drawing games. Partially inferior because the slogans randomly cut you off instead of letting you manually hit enter, so you end up with so many cut off words which is especially infuriating when you are well known within your friend group for pumping out slogans faster than they pump out Call of Duty games. Otherwise it's more of the same, a negligibly worse version of one of Jackbox's finest games.

Dodo Re Mi: Was fun when you pull up Megalovania Piano Tutorial in another tab, attempt to play that instead of the song, and fail miserably when you don’t know how to play piano.

TimeJinx: I enjoyed this one more than most other trivia games weirdly enough. Someone managed to get Cyborg Tom Brady's birth year right in the final round by saying "I don't know, I'm gonna put down Cyberpunk 2077 because it's cybernetics."

Hypnotorious: Will update when I have a funny to say about this one. I think we played it? Don't remember anything.

FixyText: Pro Tip, type out an overly long string of numbers (such as “7777777777777777777777”) until you run out of character space. The results are hilarious!

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Final backloggd review of 2023, it is still 2023 here for a few more minutes don't listen to backloggd's timezone that's way ahead of me. Mario Wonder was alright, I wouldn't call it the greatest video game ever made because they bothered to spice up the artstyle but I still enjoyed it, and it is the most creative 2D Mario in a long time. I've been kind of falling off Mario this year and it was definitely a horrible time to do so considering just how much they dropped for the red plumber this year. Therefore I don't think I enjoyed this as much as I would have if it dropped a few years prior, but it's a nice game. There are a lot more playable characters this time around, not really jumping out of my seat any of the new additions but the mainstay Mario characters I care about (Bowser, Wario, DK) are either locked to final boss status or honestly better off with their own solo adventures instead of tagging along with Mario.

I really like how this game gradually builds up to the final confrontation, starting out with one of the earliest Wonder effects being the famous Piranha Plants on Parade, then gradually introducing more music themed Wonder effects until you arrive at the final level with Bowser's musical Wonder effect, go through a reprise of the previous songs from past levels before walking into a concert stage having figured out what's about to go down.

Kirby Super Star is widely viewed as being largely outclassed by its DS remake these days, but the original is still a nice time that holds up to this day. It stands out from other Kirby games by being broken up into 6 different mini-stories each with their own gameplay elements. Many series staples would end up being introduced in this entry, and the various games included all offer a unique take on the same refined gameplay formula; this being the first game in the series to expand upon Copy Ability movesets instead of locking them to one or two moves. If you want to delve into the Kirby franchise, this entry isn't a bad place to start.

Does Melee have the better gameplay? Yeah. Does Ultimate have the better roster? Yeah. Do I care, no. This is Brawl. This is my nostalgia game and I'm allowed to give it as many stars as I want.

This is THE Devil May Cry game to me. The combat is smooth and keeps me consistently coming back, even though I don't typically replay games these days. The amazing characters make for a short but compelling story. Vergil in particular makes his (proper) debut in this game, and easily ranks among my favorite antagonists and fictional characters in general. (If WarioTheLegend's not Wario icon didn't make it apparent) It's fairly challenging compared to its successors, but I absolutely recommend it as an entry point to the DMC franchise.

This is a great level editor which gives you plenty of tools that allow you to make Mega Man levels better than Bounce Man's stage.

you fucking make it then if youre so goddamn smart

After quite the hiatus since 4, Devil May Cry makes a roaring comeback with everything that makes previous installments great at its peak here. The gameplay is stylish enough to keep me coming back regularly, the story is once again short but very charming, and the music rocks. It's a game I strongly recommend playing.

The 3ds eShop may be dead, but Puzzle Swap will live on through being one of the free pack-in games for StreetPass and forever ensures Metroid: Other M will never be forgotten.

This game advertises itself as a crossover between the worlds of Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi, but in reality, it is actually New Super Mario Bros.

I played this whole campaign with the music turned off and didn’t even notice until I got to Khamsin and wondered where the funny iconic Hot Wind Blowing was.

I went into this one kinda expecting it to be a weird middle entry in between the acclaimed VI and IV, walked out pleasantly surprised and the game ended up being a personal favorite of mine. The characters and story aren’t the most fleshed out in the world but charming nonetheless. Gilgamesh is easily the highlight of this game, and would go on to be a recurring character in many Final Fantasy games. The main party is nice too, the smaller number of them compared to other RPG parties makes each of them memorable and they each have their little moments. Exdeath is also a cool villain, one of those antagonists from an iconic video game no one talks about but I’m weirdly fond of anyway and half of it is probably because of good theme music. The expansive job system of this game also makes your small party very customizable and the game pretty replayable, and is one of the main things everyone praises about the game. Overall, definitely don’t skip this Final Fantasy game, it’s a nice time.

You guys think Ashley's teacher is still a spoon? Do you think the teacher suffers in agony every day knowing that they will never be restored to their mortal form and likely won't see their friends or family ever again. What caused Ashley to turn her teacher into a spoon? She could've just not wanted to face the consequences of not doing her homework, but the song implies Ashley finishes all of her homework. Was Ashley just late to class one day? Was Ashley told not to use magic in the classroom? Was it an argument in the classroom? Ashley apparently doesn't have many friends, so did the teacher step in if Ashley was getting hostile towards other students (or vice versa). Did the other kids watch in horror as Ashley turned the teacher into a mere kitchen utensil. Since we never see Ashley attend school in the WarioWare games, we can presume she was expelled over this incident. There's no way they would've overlooked an employee that went missing, and if the class saw it there were eyewitnesses. Has anyone used the teacher turned spoon to eat anything? How would it feel to be a conscious spoon and be used to eat stuff? Am I overthinking this?

THIS is how you do a Smash Brothers fighter. How do we introduce our new DLC character? Have him slice the final boss of the game (previously established to have effortlessly murdered every other fighter bar Kirby) in half and then go "FUCK YOU IM THE VILLAIN NOW!" Give him a powerful feeling moveset, a gorgeous stage, and expand the infamous FF7 music collection, and you have a serious contender for one of Ultimate's best new challengers. Sure the costumes are bad and he only brings FF7 music because licensing is a bitch, but not every character can be perfect. I'm a huge fan of antagonist characters, seeing villains get added to Smash is always a treat, and Sephiroth absolutely delivered a DLC pack I didn't know I needed.