After beating MGS1 I was glad to be done with something that's been on the to do list for AGES, but didn't think much of it.

After beating MGS2 I just kinda went "yeah thats one of the videogames I've played, it was good" and didn't think much of it.

After beating MGS3 was when I really felt this was one of the best video games ever made.
Each boss outdid the last, the game's theme "Snake Eater" is legendary and the times it gets used in game are thrilling. I had an audience for this game, they'd all tell you I am really, REALLY bad at MGS games, but fighting the Shagohod with people screaming at me to quick change to even mundane things like ringing the alarm at the lab to cause problems on purpose made the experience even better.

This game's hard to get nowadays, if it ever gets rereleased again I think even more people would hail it as one of the best video games released, and I absolutely recommend it if you can.

Recently the opinion that there's only three good Sonic games has become more commonplace, resulting in once highly regarded titles like Adventure 2 being bashed without regret. There's some really jank levels (Sonic's final rails level and every part of the game you play as Knuckles/Rouge) that really sour the experience, but at the end of the day the charm and soul of a masterful video game are here, and when it's good it's VERY good. I'd say it's ultimately worth a shot, at least.

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my two favorite characters killed each other and it was AWESOME

This games a little incomplete, evident by Dante's missions being remixes of earlier missions in the game, but it's still a solid DMC experience overall.

This is the fourth game in the Resident Evil franchise and the first game in the Devil May Cry franchise. This game really does show it's the first with it's primitive combat. For new people coming into the series because they heard the franchise is cool or want to know where the characters people speculate will be in Smash Bros. come from, I recommend Devil May Cry 3 over it, as DMC3's gameplay is much cleaner and holds up well even today. A certain reveal in this game actually ends up making much more sense with DMC3 context, as 3 is a prequel that happens before the rest of the franchise. Despite this, DMC1 is still a decent entry in the franchise and still worth checking out if you enjoyed later entries in the franchise.

the story is worse but all the ultra wormhole dumbshit and ultra necrozma carried the game

I was big into Undertale when everyone was big into Undertale. I had my bias towards a few characters but I genuinely loved every part of the game and loved every area and boss theme.

Fast forward to Deltarune, Spamton G. Spamton big shits all over the rest of the game and deserves all of the overrated popularity he gets. All I listen to these days are his theme songs, I think it's some kind of disease. They're all a bunch of garbled nonsense. The character is a bunch of nonsense. His glasses are literally default MS Paint colors and he's one of the best characters I've seen in a long time. Help.

A very solid successor to Undertale. The gameplay expands with the addition of a more traditional RPG party and the TP system. The characters and soundtrack are good, Rouxls Kaard, the Queen, and ESPECIALLY Spamton being my favorites so far. I don't think the current lineup of characters and music is overall as good as Undertale, but what we've seen so far give me hope future chapters create a game just as special as Undertale.

Pregame lobby "Hey guys lets form some Jojo line thing"

We form the line, someone steps out of line.

Game starts and they're instantly voted off for this offense.

Actually imposter, other imposter is so mad they're on the verge of ragequitting.

There really isn't a reason to play this over Ultimax, which has every character from this game plus some of the missing ones. This game's story mode is weirdly structured you have to play it like 10 times to even get the second half, but Labrys and her story are so compelling she's easily my favorite Persona 4 character despite not appearing in Persona 4. The original Arena story is bundled in Ultimax, but I still have to give this score to where it originates.

This provides some welcome additions to P4As original content without really losing anything. Gameplay, spritework, and soundtrack are as solid as ever. I much prefer P4A's story to whatever was going on here with Sho Minazuki the Joker (why are there so many Jokers in Megaten), but the original's story is bundled in, which is very nice. Must play for fans of fighting games and Persona.

This game has an insane amount of content. EVERY veteran returns alongside some hype newcomers ranging from long standing fan requests like Ridley and King K. Rool, to some out there picks like Sephiroth and Naoki Toudou who I really didn't know I needed in the game until they got included.

Is there still stuff they could have and should have included. Absolutely. This game has over eighty characters and I can still name over eighty characters who would rock in Smash, including uh throws dart Cloud Man from Mega Man 7. I could go on a rant about how Donkey Kong's music lineup SUCKS once you take out Gang-Plank Galleon (a stellar remix, by the way) There could easily have been like, maybe at least five more new stages in base game. There's endless nitpicks I could make, but the massive amount of things here, most of which being handled so well is the reason I and many others clamor for more characters like throws dart Nano Shinonome from Nichijou. The core Smash gameplay is as fun as ever, keeping me coming back all the time. It's really hard not to give it a perfect rating, and regard Ultimate as one of the greatest games ever made.

good nice video game i love voring the other totally real people with my big hole now let me just shut off my wifi and