I think I really like this game and I can't really love it because there isn't that much to it. I would love if this game had a "story" or like missions or something. The mechanics are sick and I just want to play it all the time, but for like an hour tops.

This game has such an amazing style from the menus to the music to doing giant 1260 Monster Tricks one million feet of the ground as Luigi, I mean who doesn't want to do that.

The ultimate in early 2000s tuner hot boy street racing experience. Just driving around the open world and customising your Peugeot 206 with the Burger King logo on the side is the peak of gaming.

A very cool game, Just taking the day and playing through this from start to finish makes for a wonderful time. have since played and beaten it again and loved it the same a second time

The music, the characters, the actually good "story" mode for a racing game, this is some good ass stuff and that isn't mentioning the fact that there are three vehicles for some sweet racing action. the best kart racer.

this game was okay, I liked many of the elements that are like New Vegas but was lacking some of what makes that game special in the exploration department. The main quest was not overly interesting in my opinion but Parvati and hear quest was the real main quest for me.

Just hours and hours of trying to click on people for no real reason just to pass the time

This game is cool as hell. Everything comes together to make a creepy and tense environment for the whole game.
Sander Cohen was the greatest artist of our time.

I enjoyed this greatly. just walking the wastes and stumbling onto some of my favourite quest and moments in videogames. I love that everything is the colour brown.

This is a very good game. But it is a Mario game so that makes sense.

I have sunk literally thousands of hours into this game building all kinds of moon bases in the jungle.

An almost perfect game however things like the dungeon set up and lack of the iconic style Zelda music makes it just miss the mark a little. A must play regardless

I thought this was a fun beat em-up and I even played it alone which is doing it wrong.

A nice romp through life told through organisation and the objects of a home that follow us on the journey. A fun relaxing time if you organised the pencils on your desk as a kid.