This game is more of a zen garden game than anything challenging. I enjoyed the process of taking cars apart to find issues, then reassemble them, but certain aspects were overly repetitive. For one the mission stories constantly devolved into taking engines apart to find the exact piston spring that was faulty and God help you if you accidentally put a new ring back into the wrong spot because you’ll be taking the whole engine apart again to swap in new parts. It’s very picky, but I learned a lot about cars doing it, so it’s not all bad.

This was a strange game. I appreciated playing scenes from Jurassic Park 1-3 + Jurassic World, however the cutscenes are bonkers. The dialog is clearly clipped out of the movies into LEGOfied unskippable clips that are extremely jarring to watch and listen to. It really made me cringe. Gameplay is fun enough, but arbitrarily making you replay levels to get all collectibles is tedious. Really wish I could play as the dinosaurs more too. Just longer than it needs to be and painful at times to watch.

I found myself really engrossed by this game. It’s got a really cool presentation of puzzles in the art style of stick figure caution signs that I absolutely loved. My biggest gripe is it was far too short, but overall I really enjoyed the brief time I spent with it.


I seriously wish there were more games like this. It’s a fun, albeit simple puzzle game with cool art, and a unique photographing mechanic. You can finish it pretty quick and honestly I love a game where I can play it without it wearing out it’s welcome and doesn’t have to become your life. It’s wonderfu!

An absolute masterpiece that despite being over a 100 hours in length, I keep replaying again and again. Never have I felt so compelled by a story or moved so much by a very alive open world. It’s a damn good time and if you somehow haven’t played it yet, do yourself a favor and get on that.

What a weird yet kind of awesome game this is. You play as a bee doing things like collect pollen, give dancing directions, race flies, fight hornets, and generally explore a massive little world. It’s got problems like bad voice acting, repetition, and many bugs, but overall I enjoyed the chill nature of this game. It’s about as much a bee simulator as goat simulator and I’m all for that.

I really like the concept of a game where you can build environments and nudge evolution. However the presentation is a bit rough. It becomes very repetitive very quick, the environments are hard to modify in detail, and the platinum literally requires you to leave your PlayStation on for almost a month. It has fun moments, but it’s mostly enjoyable for maybe a dozen hours, not 100s

What a bizarre game this is. I just wanted to fish and anime characters keep trying to interject a redundant and boring story into the game. I enjoyed the crafting, but the fishing did get really repetitive due to literally no skill other than bait types being needed to find fish. A reel disappointment.

The idea is so niche I don’t even know where to begin. How would you like to mow what is essentially a dinosaur animatronic park roughly based on Jurassic Park? Somehow this peaked my interest and I don’t regret mowing among titans or weed whacking around velociraptors. It’s a bafflingly silly DLC that I’m glad exists.


I love a good point and click adventure, Home however is fairly bare bones. It’s a short game that takes a little over an hour with no hard puzzles. The draw is the story changes depending how you approach each play through. My main issue is the game was repetitive and the endings didn’t really change all that much. It’s a fun tiny game, but it doesn’t hold a candle to most point and click adventures.

I really wanted to like this game more as I thought the setting was cool and the graphics were gorgeous, but overall I found the experience lackluster. I found the main character dull, the missions repetitive, the combat frustrating, and much of the side activities immersion breaking and pointless (seriously screw those bamboo chopping mini games). To top it all off, it’s overly long and I found myself beating it just for completions sake rather than enjoying it.

I know there are glaring problems with this game such as the lack of dialog options compared to previous titles and certain characters giving out annoying repetitive quests, but I love this game despite the faults. The weapons, setting, and most the characters are fun and have the feel of a 60s sci-fi movie that I adore. There are so many memorable quests and overall feels more alive than any prior 3-D fallout game. It’s a damn fun time.

I liked this game as a palate cleanser between longer games. The mechanics are simple enough; go to a party, murder, don’t get caught. The real fun comes from the random events that range from FBI raids to sharknados that really make you think on your feet as you plot to kill everyone. My main gripes are sometimes you just get arrested or murdered yourself for no reason, which is frustrating especially on your last few people, and the voice acting in the cinematic is so so bad. Overall it’s a game you pick up when you’re not in the mood for a massive Witcher adventure or just need to blow off steam. It’s not high art, but ut is quite fun in short doses.

This is one of those games that I never thought I would fall in love with. I tend to hate repetition in games, but really liked how Hitman does it. You’re given a giant map and a target and it’s up to you to figure out how to take out that target. I found myself enjoying the discovery of new and better ways to take out my targets. I love how over the top the levels got and despite how many times I played a levels, I’d get new equipment and try more over the top hits. It’s a game that rewards creativity and planning and it’s really what you make of it.

Sometimes you find yourself in a mode to play a bizarre nonsensical sandbox in the same vain as Goat Simulator. It’s dumb, crass, and has some painfully unfunny billboards, but weirdly enough I found myself enjoying the bucket list progression system. The game grew on me as I played and got weirder and weirder weapons and super powers, but overall it’s hard to really recommend to anyone as it’s one of those “glitch is funny” games that can get more frustrating than fun. But if you want to turn your brain off, it’s a pretty wacky fun time.