Ace Attorney Ranked

Yes I have slept on the Layton crossover

thank you shu takumi for saving this franchise from hell and creating a fresh setting so that you aren't held back while retaining all the lessons learned in making the previous games you have no freaking idea how much i APPRECIATE YOU
all these cases are great and the overarching narrative is incredibly strong
after DD i no longer cared about continuity and almost every case here was very enjoyable
consistently pretty alright
good on it for trying to be different but it kind of got lost in truly doing that
i dont remember shit about this apart from the long ass ending oh but it must be said the soundtrack SLAPS

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Pretty much agree with most of the placements , I'm in the middle of replaying the second trilogy and by god Apollo Justice into Dual Destinies is a horrific stretch (relatively speaking for the franchise anyways).
Top 3 for me are probably GAA2, AA3 and AA6 though the final case from GAA2 is the undisputed peak of the franchise.

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