This is the last indie game (franchise) belonging in the "beloved indie game trio with an overlapping community" that i ever completed...the first two of which were celeste and hollow knight, two of the most acclaimed video game ever conceived, but, even thought i completely see why this one is often in the same talk with one of the most engaging metroidvania game from its generation (hollow knight)and with...litteraly my favorite game ever made (celeste), I think this game...isnt as great as both. Dont get me wrong there are a lot of exceptionnal element, such has this atmosphere...omg i wish i could eat this atmosphere. This is one of the most gorgeous thing that have ever been conceived by a human being : like, those visual, couple with the lighting, just work exceptionally well, to the point that it become one of the most alive feeling game i have ever seen. And when the OST start to kick in, You can really feel all sort of emotion while listening to it. But, a magnificient presentation doesnt make everything, and, i gotta say, i feel like some mechanics and some part of the level design have some...problem, lets just Say: when both work, especially together, it create a immaculate flow to everything : between well designed puzzle, servicable platform sequence, impeccable chase sequence, and of course the satisfaction when using ori's ability, when the game works, it does fantastically....but this game has a lot of moment of jank : some moves refuse to activate sometimes(i especially had trouble with the teather, that sometimes had a weird lag, or sometimes just didnt work, particularly in mid-air) making some sequence that should be easy harder for all the wrong reason, the combat mechanic that is just ok, with in one hand, a decent amount of way to attack a enemy, but in the other hand doesnt feel that good to use (a big problem for a metroidvania game), bossfight that tend to be too easy and annoying at the same time, and, believe it or not, a scrolling that sometimes...stop working for no reason. If you couple all of this with little detail and some annoying platformint sequence, what you get is a gorgeous world, fun to engage with 60% of the Time...held back by some stupid element, to the point that I...wasnt that much into world exploring. This wasnt help by the fact that, for a metroidvania game, it was really linear to me: unlike super metroid and especially hollow knight, i felt like that the game more often or not, set a lot of required path in order to progress, making the whole world less engaging to me

Ultimatly, i still had a decent Time, and again, gorgeous game, with good gameplay overall, and, a nice conclusion, but man it could have been so much better without the linearity and the janky element

Also this game doesnt have funny même, unlike its two sister game, come on, where are my hidden gem and random character become a icon joke?

The folder was empty, is the game stupid?

What a game.

Even though i haven't played all the metroid game yet, I think I can still confidently say that the peak of the franchise.

The original managed to make the perfect conversion of a metroid game in the 3rd dimensions...and this remaster... basically keep every great about the original, but wrap everything with a gorgeous overall of the the point that I can't consider this game a simple remaster...It's a straight up remake.

This games just incredible to explore. Every corner of it feels natural and yet so well design with dozens of things to discover or to come back to later on in the game with new abilities or knowledge to master this incredible masterclass of a world design.

Samus just feel great to control. Aside for some weird but extremely rare problem with the physics, this game makes controlling her so immersive and satisfying to boot. And every single ability you unlock are useful in their own way: between the graplin hook or the gravity ball that allow you more freedom to explore the world, the various weapon with theirs pros and cons, the different kind of vision you can use for puzzle or even in combat to spot certain enemy...this game has it all.

Also, unlike metroid prime 3 (that I also loved btw), this game give you so much more freedom about how you will explore this world. As soon as you unlock one ability, 3 doors opens, and each door will leads you to other doors that may or may not great you reserve or new ability for you to play with.

And the bossfight are fantastic, and the music immersive and yet memorable at the same time. And the enemy variety is great and god, this game is just fantastic.

Ultimately, it still have some issue, like the not always satisfying hunt for the artifact, or the rather simple enemy encounter that, while fun, can be kinda tedious sometimes, but other than that, this game is flawless.

And If this serv has some kind of teaser for metroid prime 4...omg...

Omg there is barely any strategy in this.

Between the very limited board, in both mechanics, design and number of board, how ridiculously easy it is to grab a star in this, how long and tedious the game feels to play and the minigames who overtake the entire thing, there is barely any reason to play the board game mode. Its just too random and lacking.

But idk its still fun and tense. The minigames are fine. Racing to get the star is fine. Its decently engaging...but thats it really

I barely have anything to say really. Its just extremely ok and nothing else.

Why is the metroid franchise so fucking good guys?

Like seriously, all the metroid game I played so far are, at the very least, good. And even if it probably wont be the case once I play metroid other M or even the original one of the NES, the remake of the latter genuinely is extremely good.

If you told me that you could turn the slow and confusing original metroid into a fast pace, rewarding and great looking game with really good level design, I wouldn't have believed you, and yet, here we are.

Samus in this game control. Just. Incredibly well. Unlike super Metroid, where its age kinda shows sometimes, this one just control flawlessly start to end. Every move is responsive, aiming is precise and the speed and momentum of samus is just right. I would even argue that this game feels even better to play than Fusion, but more so because the level design of Zero mission is fundamentally better, which was something I didn't expected for the remake of a NES game. While the world of Fusion was fine, but admittedly not as fun to explore due to its very linear design, zero mission, while still having a main route to follow, allows you to take actual shortcut and to find secret item more frequently, by making use of every single move that Samus possess more frequently than fusion ever did.

But while the game feels spectacular to play, has incredible level design, and of course, wonderful visual, the game still has two shortcomings: the soundtrack, that I found oddly unremarkable for a metroid game, and the bossfight, that, while have their fairshare of goodbossfight (Kraid, mecha Ridley) suffer from really easy bossfight (Ridley, all the mini-boss) or, in the case of motherbrain, really bullshity gameplay. Those two points are probably caused by what the original metroid did, but those are still kind of low point for it.

But, without being said, the remake still add a lot of things to compensate, such has brand new cutscenes, who had context and even a bit of lore to what you are doing, and even a post game sequence where you have to infiltrate the space pirate's base to recover a ship and your armor that you lost after being takedown by them after your fight against motherbrain. Infiltrating the base, while trying to survive while you only have a stun gun and places to hide, before tearing apart the whole base once you recover your armour, plus other abilities that you previously couldn't use was fantastic, and a tremendous way of ending this wonderful remake.

All in all, while one of two red dot rear their ugly heads, its still an awesome remake that you should definitely play over the original game. Original game that I am now going to try to finish. Hurrayyyy

Im happy to have played this.

My original review for Celeste is by far my most popular review, but also the one I want to remake the most: i feel like it doesn't pay enough justice for how amazing this game is, and how important it is to me. Its character, story, gameplay, writting, visual, soundtrack, how it plays... EVERYTHING! Is perfect.

And Celeste 64 helped me solidifies my love for OG Celeste: it kept intact the charm, writing and character from celeste, even if it isn't present much. And the little sign at the end of the game thanking the whole team, their loved one and the player made me tear up. Only 3 games made me teared up, and this chunky little game made in one week is one of them! I can't stress enough of incredible it is of a task for a game like this.

And the visual and soundtrack are almost equally as good: they oozes with charms, reminiscing from, well, a N64 game. The low poly aesthetic is on point, and the game even comment on those aspect a few time, in, of course, a funny way, adding even more charm in all of this.

The level design, while only existent for one level, is amazing: it encourages so much exploration, and every corner is important. And the bonus level inspired my mario sunshine of all things are wonderfully design.

But sadly, this game is rather glitchy, and not that fun to play itself. It truly feels like it was made in one week. Madeline controls fine in open space, but in more restricted area, in can be tedious to play, especially when you have to grab walls. I swear, sometimes, in doesn't work. Maybe its a reference to how glitchy any wall movement in mario 64 is, but its still kinda not fun. Madeline also have weird physics: sometimes she has extremely weird inerty, sometimes, her side jump and moving platform send you in weird direction, and sometimes, Madeline just fall like a rock. But, I would say this: the feather somehow controls better in this than in OG Celeste, AKA, the only part of celeste where controls where a bit odd. Thats kinda hilarious actually.

But overall: while this game isn't made for the average public, it is a pure love letter for the fan. It oozes of love for Celeste, and honestly, thats the only thing a games like this needed to do, and yet, it did more than that: with great visual, cute writting and stellar level design: this game is the perfect "fan game"