Games played in 2023 ranked I guess

I now have something to say here as I started putting down a short analysis for most of the games I have listed
It's not much now that I look back at it, I should get better at playing more games next year

Notable for being incredibly interesting in terms of shmups go in how evil it has the potential to be. I wanna go deeper into this at a later time along with others shmups I've reminisced on lately but I get the feeling that I'm in for something far out of my conceivable expectations
It's cute! A bit annoying in how repetitive it can tend to get (endgame coins show off a really bad "do the hard thing more times than normal" syndrome) but you can't go wrong if it you're like me and like simple bitsy games and precision platformers
Sleep paralysis demon game
I didn't actually take much of note from this from the time a friend of mine got me to play it co-op with them, but it was overall really cool and merely gives me more of an incentive to dive deeper into it later on down the line
As beautiful as it is engaging, a shining example of platformer scorerunning perfection, and also a good case for one of the most grandiose endgame sequences in video games in spite of it's sheer simplicity

I'm still riding off the high I got from getting the SS on yotta difficult
A sad case of a good intentioned focus being wrapped up in a mess of frankly baffling sunk-cost fallacy design; every mechanic is a coin flip on being a genuinely engaging case of precision and decision-making or some absurd bullshit that's at complete odds with every other facet of itself
Eh, largely uninteresting, there's better beat-em-ups out there I'm sure of it
I'm going to fully indulge in this being being quite possibly my biggest guilty pleasure game, I actually find the difficulty quite enthralling thank you very much
As amazingly deranged as I had ever hoped it to be, made all the anticipation I had all worth it for a payoff like this
Another case of an infuriating amount of baffling design choices marring down the overall experience but, like, it's Splatoon, man. I still can't get enough of it even after almost a decade

1 Comment

5 months ago

insert rayman YEAH noise

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