I was never a Yakuza so I didn't realize what eyepatch dude's future was. Now I'm full Yakuza. The breakdance kick eyepatch man gets made me strong

Shorter than a girl who says she's average height despite being 5'4. Shoots good but needed full frontal nudity to keep my little brother's attention

The game gives you good cheater modes after you beat it like going invisible and taking over goon-bodies. You can beat it in a single night no problem too so if you want to try and feel young again here's your juice

I thought the game was trying to tell me a thing but then I chose an ending that it apparently didn't want me to pick. Good shoot though

Loops you without being too annoying. Some of the things the dudes say during the ending made me like them when I didn't give a shit

A game that will make you into a better killer irl. I'm confident I could beat DIO by repeatedly punching him in the back of the head

Good at looping. The thing that makes it so you can spend disney tokens to keep your weapons saves the game because if I had to start from scratch every loop oh man holy shit that'd be...yeesh! :((((

A good game no matter what but it's time to let go of the past old man.

Oh the enemy is known we just dont want to say it
it's italians

I played this while listening to the Adventure Zone and got to the part where the DM revealed that one of the PCs had a sibling, but that the sibling was trans for no real reason. It didn't factor in and it was already a twist that the sibling existed to begin with, so the only reason I can think of that he would do this is for brownie points. This doesn't happen until you're already like 40 hours in so you've wasted too much time not to see through things to the end. It blemished an otherwise pretty good D&D podcast, but as long as you think of the hidden secret sibling as being the character's weird mentally ill brother that nobody wants to offend, you can just about stomach the rest. If you're gonna include it, at least have the more sensible characters look at him and be like "that that that that's a...uh...that's a man"

One of the best games ever made and a reputable creator of gambling addictions.

My brother got it for me one day when I was 17(?) and told me there was time travel in it. I got a neutral ending and never played it again and only found out you were supposed to do multiple playthroughs later. One of the only video games with music I'll listen to just on its own.