One of the best Kart racers I've ever played. The mechanics are simple and very rewarding to master. You'll be going at absurd speeds once you get the hang of it.
The race tracks are all excellent love letters to the games they were based off of and it even shows in its glorious soundtrack.
I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a more skill based Kart racer or any SEGA fans that haven't already played it.

Don't play this version.
Like at all.

One of the most pleasant surprises I had ever experienced. I'll never forget my experience with it.
Kat is one of the best protagonists in video games.

I like this yet I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone unless they're a gaming history nut like myself or a SEGA fan.
If you have the patience, you'll experience one of the most unique games of its time.

This is my favorite gatcha game.
I don't recommend it ever.


No this isn't worth the memes. All it has is a neat concept and that's it.

Best played in short bursts.
Backgrounds suck, and character animations are very stiff.
Music's good and did get me interested in some series included.

Very weird game but one that may best interest Guilty Gear fans. The core arcade mode sucks but the GG Boost mode is a legit fun beat em up mode.

One of the most important arcade games there is. It's legacy simply needs to be respected.

Nice roster but man did the sprites stink

Good port. Should satisfy you're desire to play Street Fighter IV on the go.
Though be warned you may break the circle pad.

It's a game about getting demon girls.
What's not to like?