I honestly feel like I burn brain cells every time I try to play.

Hit me mommy! It's the only way to level up

P.S: (I just realized that this is actually FF4 not 2 Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!)

El pibe que sufrió mas que Guts

I have a particular childhood memory, I was in school and I was listening to my classmates discussing about Pokémon or digimon, when they asked me which franchise I liked more I told them that I had never played or seen anything related to the series.

I never understood what the famous Pokémon fever was, the very concept of pocket monsters still seems pretty stupid to me to this day.

Here I am playing pokemon red, it is not my first approach, I had previously tried "Crystal" and "ultra sun" but as with those two titles I decide to abandon it because I honestly do not have fun or I do not find sympathy to such a basic design scheme.

Catch them all? More like "unplug them all".

Bioshock did not understand what: "winners don't use drugs".