Vaas is one of the best antagonists. His famous sentence about insanity made me realize I'm like this when I play League of Legends all day.

A very good game like Doom but for zoomers.

Its like Quinn R lvl16 very fast goes brrrrrr

Played with my brother when I was a kid. Good memories. Now, I don't have a relationship with my brothers anymore and spam soloQ all day.

It's like being in Iron and trying to reach Challenger while restarting from the beginning every single season

Overwatch but better so its like league of legends but better and funnier

classic game farming is cool endgame is cool early game is cool i mean i have nothing to say about this game just play it

league of legends fps same review for ow2

Very funny. Always playing with 4 friends, and the workshop adds a little extra to the HIHIHIHA

Main character is just like me addicted to something. (I'm addicted to soloQ)

Redundant, funny with friends

Very good game. Devolver Digital never disappoints when it comes to publishing games. (not better than soloQ)