Very disappointing compared to the prequel

Super Meat my balls. I love all of Edmund's creations. GG WP to this man he is probably Honor 5 and has the Akshan honor 5 skin

Vaas definition of insanity 😎😎

I didn't find a gf while playing this game? Probably a bug

Zombies are like Yorick ghouls. Still very good games with a good open world

Very funny game, it's like you're playing Kayle and waiting for your scaling at level 16 to 1v9. But also boring very quickly

Too scared to finish this game, but don't worry, I watch all the Game Theory videos!

Me when I was young: 360 noscope AWP backflip balancing the monitor
Me right now: 59 losses in a row no friends no family only LP.

Very good game, I love the story about it. Unfortunately, I don't know how to become a PRO MOVEMENT GOD 1V9 MACHINE so it make it difficult to have fun vs good players

I played this game when I was a kid, good memories. Now, I want to K** on League of Legends

Skins add style, and gameplay is enjoyable, especially with friends #csgora

SUPERHOT is like me when I finish a game of LOL. Someone wants to find me IRL to kill me