After finishing both routes, I'd say this is probably a perfect remake to me. The main problems with the Near Side routes were that action was unappealing and Ciel's route was too similar to Arcueid's. Welp, this fixes both of those problems. The actions become an absolute spectacle to watch, while still retaining all the heartfelt moments, while Ciel's route is basically completely changed and gives her character far more to work with.
Not to mention, the production on this is insane. While slightly less cinematic than Mahoyo, the amount of backgrounds and CGs is truly astounding.
My only complaint is really that it's only half the game, but I already know that Red Garden's version of the Maid routes will have me bursting into tears so I'm willing to wait.

Gameplay-wise, I don’t think I can ever go back to the first game. The combat is just so much more fun.
Story-wise, I think the pacing is a fair bit better than the first game’s. I was engaged the entire time. I do think the third act was a little rushed though. It was still great, but certain things just didn’t impact me the way they should have because the set-up wasn’t there.

Overall, an amazing game with some weak spots. Still my GOTY tho

I've never been on acid but I assume it's what the ending of this game feels like

Improved gameplay from the first game. This one felt a lot more fluid and rewarding to me, and some of the movement abilities you unlock in the later parts of the game are just an absolute joy. Story has me conflicted because it took until the last 1/4 for me to get truly invested, but that last 1/4 was truly some of my favourite Star Wars content in a while. I do feel like the ending is a little rushed and puts its emotional climax on a character we barely know, which is a little baffling to me when the middle of this game really drags (as you are basically shuffling between three different planets over and over again), but I'm willing to see if a third game will change my opinion I guess. Overall, very fun time with a pretty good story

I am not the same person I was before I finished this game

Maybe this rating will change as I sit with it more, but Idk man, this game just did not do it for me. It's weird because I enjoyed it while playing, but I felt nothing reaching the ending. It was so rushed that it felt disconnected from the game I just played. It felt like the themes the ending wanting to portray were not compatible with the rest of the story. The beginning of the story has a lot of mystery and intrigue, but around the middle point it really loses its footing and just meanders for a while. I was hoping the ending would kinda make it all work, but it just... didn't do anything for me. It doesn't help that I didn't really like most of the antagonists, barring one stand out. This is the first Yakuza game where I've really just felt nothing during the ending, and that's disappointing.

I can't in good faith call this a bad game, and I'm happy for everyone who loved it, but it just didn't work for me.

I will be entirely honest and say I watched the true ending of this on YT cuz I did not feel like grinding lol. I truly feel this game's amazing story is held back by its origins of being a PSP game with far too much grinding for my tastes. Lots of interesting ideas with the most tedious executions, but a touching story making it somewhat worth it. I would kill for a proper remake in the style of a mainline game.

This is not its own game by any means, but if you go into it expecting a prologue for V, it's pretty fun imo. The gameplay seems quite nice and has me excited for V.

Very fun game all around. Controls are definitely a little clunky but once you embrace them, you can work with them. The story and characters were good and the next game tease has me excited for more. Good time.

No amount of "let em cook"'s could have prepared me for that ending holy shit

I liked the part where Mizuki said she'd burn down Ota's restaurant at a slight insult, Uchikoshi really understands how the youth talk these days.

I understand it was a miracle that this game was even made in the first place but it's like it took every aspect I liked of Zero Escape and threw it out the window. The characters are all awful, the story does not make logical sense, and the puzzles aren't very good. It also commits the sin of making me not like VLR as much :/

Not bad by any means, a good experience all around, but Torna spoiled my expectations a little. Torna made me reappreciate all of XC2 in a new light, but this didn't really affect my perception of 3 all that much. Having said that, it has a lot of great lore and moments for fans of every game, even X which I was pleasantly surprised about.
Also A is the best character in the series, I don't make the rules :p

An improvement on the first in almost every way. Extremely fun and replayable. Loved my time with it.