A short and sweet metroidvania that gets everything that it wants to do done in a couple of hours. The art in this game is also very beautiful with multiple areas that you could just look at and appreciate the time that was put into it. The bosses are the other biggest part of the game with all of them being different enough and standing out from the normal gameplay loop. Cute game and I’m looking forward to the sequel.

MO:Astray is an interesting game where the story and atmosphere really set it apart from any other platformer, however, it tends to hide what makes it so different. A lot of this game is controlled through jumps rather than normal running which can take a little getting used to, but ends up being a lot of fun. The puzzles and interactions with other enemies are also something that makes this game stand out.

The one fault is that it takes the voice memos from Bio Shock and just puts the whole story exclusively in those short memos. This makes it so if you want to understand the story, you have to actively search for everything, which ruins the pacing and makes everything tedious. It also ends up with you getting a broken story because you miss some memos. Still a fun game, but could've been simplified down into a more digestible story.

Generally, this is a more polished version of the first game. Everything has been refined and made better, with interesting new abilities and tools at your disposal. The one area that just fell off was the level design, which sucks because that's what made the first games of parkour so great. A lot of the time, there is only one real path to take to get to the objective, unlike the first game. This makes you take the same path every time, making the game a lot more stale than it should be. It really hurts the whole experience especially as it's an open-world game, where you expect it to be a lot more creative with its path taking. The story still isn't anything special and that's expected, but all the atmosphere is still there and in full effect. Although still a fun experience and more great Mirror's Edge, the lack of a great map takes the experience down a notch and makes this game a worse sequel.

Mirror's Edge is one of the smoothest games I've played. Each section of parkour is satisfying and gives you a feeling of bliss. the game also just generally looks good and holds up well with the minimalistic art style and cell-shaded textures. The game is also very open when it comes to decision-making and how you approach each playground of obstacles, with multiple paths and techniques you can use to succeed. Eventually, you just get to a point where everything starts to click and you understand what makes this game so special. The only slight issue with the main story is that it's a little flat, but it gives much-needed room to the atmosphere and worldbuilding which makes this game so memorable and a worthwhile experience.


Not the only one who can only last a minit.

Gay people rejoice when they see this game.

One of the best throwback games I've ever played. Throughout the first half of this game, I was having such a good time going through all of the different stages and when the second half started, it just refreshed everything and made me want to go through everything again. The controls and different abilities are tight and feel great making each level feel like a small playground if you're skilled enough. The writing in this game is also great with small jokes that made me laugh and a story that actually felt important. The different things you see in this game are so memorable and are something that everyone should try out.

A very underrated game that I don't hear people talking about enough. I was surprised by just how much fun I was having with this game and how good the story and characters were. It just feels like watching a movie the way the characters interact with jokes, callouts and arguments. they generally feel like a group of friends who just manage to scrape by without killing each other.

The story also goes through a much more grander plotline than I thought it would. The way each chapter develops the story had me hooked and I just wanted to keep playing. It has moments that pull you in and start to make you feel.

The gameplay may just be the weakest part of the game compared to the other stuff, but it's also so much fun. Each fight is just full of action and cool combos you can pull off. the other abilities you unlock are also all useful and have their own situations where they are needed.

The music is also just amazing with great songs and a soundtrack that fits the atmosphere, but everyone already knows that from the movies. If you haven't, please give this game a chance.

A very interesting puzzle game that gave me everything I wanted out of it, but also some bad. The game is just full of creative ideas and feels surreal to play. Each level just manages to bend your mind in a different way and it scratches a certain itch that not many games can hit. My only main problem with the game is that it just gets too tedious by the end. the puzzles aren't too difficult and are still slightly fun, it's just that I don't want to spend my time running and setting up each block for five minutes before actually making a small amount of progress just to be hit with another slog of a puzzle. Still an interesting experience, just wish it trimmed some of the extra fat.


There is nothing to say about this game besides how bad it is. Somehow 3 and a half hours felt like an eternity and that's probably because I had to deal with terrible characters and gags the whole time. The gameplay is basically a point-and-click game in first person which sounds fine enough but is just done terribly here. The story is just there and feels like a mash-up of everything you've experienced before. Most of the time when I play a bad game, it just makes me feel nothing, disappointed or bored, but this game just made me feel pain.

It's honestly really amazing how well the story carries this game because everything else is kinda trash. The gunplay feels sloppy, and driving is okay, but the world also feels flat which when you are comparing it to other open-world games, it just heavily falls short. It's really just the amazing characters and acting that help pull this game across the finish line. Each chapter feels eventful and a real piece of a greater story. If possible I would just experience the story and forget the actual game.

Actually a fun indie 3D platformer. Everything in this game just works well and feels great to play while not overstaying its welcome. The story is a little weird and feels a bit out of place, but was also interesting enough that I wanted to know what happens next. It kinda reminds me of 3D Sonic except good.

Fun arcade-like fps shooter where you speedrun through each of the short levels. It's like a decent mix between Mario and Quake which is fun. The game actually gets pretty challenging later on and can feel annoying when everything else in the game is so cute and happy and positive music is blasting in my ears. It feels like my own personal purgatory.

Another walking simulator with flow-like moments. Lost Ember kinda lacks what makes the other games so special, but also has some moments that are a breath of fresh air. transforming into different animals is very fun and creative, but there are so many times when the gameplay turns into a crawl where you have to control a slow animal. the cutscenes are also pretty bad and the story is forgettable. still a cool experience though.

Pretty simple game where you just go down a mountain, but that doesn't stop it from being a great game. Each of the different environments is fun to bike through and has its unique differences that add to the experience. Being able to get into a flow state where you are just gliding through the tracks is a feeling that most games can't compete with. Honestly, I'm not sure how they did it, but the game is just really fun to play and is somehow peaceful and chaotic at the same time. Definitely a game I have fond memories of and something I would play again.