trans people have goth evil selves

What Super Meat Boy Forever should have been

There never seems to be enough time to do the thing you want to do... Once you've found them.

If your friend screams "RUN" multiple times, you should PROBABLY listen.


Idk how I didn't log it earlier
LISA genocide route or something honestly wish there was more to it
Also tooley deserved more I wish he was recruitable

Open-world is boring, the combat is boring, the writing is boring, the characters are boring, and gambling.

If you want to turn off your brain and never turn it on again, you can play Genshin Impact, but please value your time. No offense, but cmon... there are better open-world anime games, and much better gacha games.

Pretty much perfection, no janky shit and no unfair bs. Amazing all the way through and I definetly shed a tear at the end, whever out of pain or satisfaction.

Terraria with mods. What else to add?

Extremely repetitive, grindy, buggy, unfinished, unbalanced game.
I absolutely reccomend it, very fun if you can get it running with some friends, not even trying to win just trying to stay alive.

It's minecraft, not much more to say.


This review was written before the game released

As someone who didn't have the chance to play Overwatch 1, this is pretty dang fun, but it pretty much ends at that note.
Battle passes make me sick, there are no rewards for playing the game, and I ain't paying 20$ for a skin.
I am high on copium thinking it will get better and that it's a marketing campaign that they'll fix later to look like the good guys.