Toby fox is a fucking mastermind

You were too good for this genre...

Never play pvp with Zoey, worst mistake of your life

It's a pretty damn good pokemon fangame but Touhou, but it's so much more to me for personal reasons

It would be even better if the cutscenes werent so freaking annoying when playing with a friend.

Ascended metroidvania, silksong when

It's hard to reccomend becuse it's gacha, and nobody likes gambling, but DAMN is it a fine tower defense game with an amazing world and characters.

realm o' stupid fucking bullshit and a battle pass that gives you a silly skin if you grind this game nonstop for 8 hours a day

pretty fun tho

Great fun multiplayer game where you kill hordes of enemies with a single swing of a weapon. It's a little annoying due to the grind and timegating, but at the end of the day it's pretty fun. Kinda confusing at first but if you're not a single-cell organism you'll get the hang of everything pretty quick.
Veterans should learn self-control and just... stop playing for a while, every game will be bitter and sour if you play it everyday non-stop.

This gotta be one of the worst games I've ever played in my life.

idk never played the game I like the walking nuclear machine tho

This game is kinda fun but it struggles due to being a gacha. You either get steamrolled or you steamroll, rarely a fun long fight :/