There was good storytelling and some unpleasant witticisms. The variety of atmospheres was adequate. I think the only thing that was missing was that there was very little to do in the open world. There are various worlds, but it would have been even better if there were actually various side quests.
The characters are well drawn and constructed and the voice acting is excellent. I also found the music weak, there could have been more varied conflict music.
In short, it's an above average game, I don't think there's anything to exaggerate. It is a good and enjoyable production. It takes its place among the good productions in this genre and will continue to do so for a long time.

Clever puzzles, non-repetitive gameplay, different game mechanics, depth of atmosphere and harmony with the music, a peculiar story, chilling structure and frightening chase scenes...


It's a good game for fans, but overall the gameplay is very weak, the dialog is boring and the cinematics are very artificial. Atmosphere is good, but many repetitive missions. Enemy variety is very low. The story is not engaging. Good variety of spells, but the spells don't feel different in terms of gameplay. The world is beautiful, it just feels numb and empty.

An unsurprising game by Kojima. It's mystical, deep and thought-provoking. Obviously on the gameplay side, there are various things that make it easier to transport cargo, there are elements on the map that provide certain conveniences. It's good in that respect, but it's very tiring and elaborate.

As for the story, it's really beautiful and different, full of mystical and deep messages that make you think, but it's very long and slow. Even though this makes the story uninspiring, I managed to endure it.

The music was incredible and worth listening to. The characters and the cast are really good.

In short, it's a different and unique game worth playing and enduring, but it's not for everyone.