Part of me is soured over how much Rockstar whored this game out because of the online feature instead of making cool expansions like they did with previous games, but at the same time I just can't bring myself to hate it, some of the best missions in the series are in it, doing 100% completion was one of the most satisfying experiences I had with a video game. The story is probably the weakest part, though, the three main characters pretty much carry it on their backs, their individual character arcs are well done, but the villains are pretty uninteresting, especially since the game doesn't bother giving them much substance besides being smug pricks, and the last few missions (Big Score and Deathwish) feel rushed and somewhat anticlimactic.

I understand that GTA V has its flaws, but they didn't really hurt my experience with it all that much.

Boss fights are kinda shit, but the stages offer a fantastic blend of the open-ended design of Genesis era Sonic and the visual spectacle of the 3D titles and you can use the momentum-based movement and physics to find a lot of fun ways of going from point A to point B. Some people said they got lost in this game's stages, but I honestly didn't have that issue aside from halfway through Hill Top, but for the most part the game has a pretty decent sense of direction.

The best X5 will ever get without some kind of redesign.

Well, they might have gotten rid of the pointless reploids and made slight tweaks to the level design, but overall it's still Megaman X6 and most of this game's flaws are on a fundamental level. In order to make this into a good game, you'd have to redesign the stages from scratch and rewrite the story, only keeping the core ideas and the premise.

That's enough! UNBEATABLE!

Nem fudendo que esse é o 1000º jogo do meu perfil kkkkkkkkkk

Impressive animation for a PS1 game, everything else sucks.

At least seeing the guys from retsupurae reading the creepypasta was hilarious

Damn I miss retsupurae

Well, it has a pretty cool instrumental version of the anime's first opening song playing in the title screen.

Fuck the last stage in particular

A better sequel to the movie than the actual sequel tbh

If you really want a cinematic Hong Kong action movie simulator for the PS2, then Rise to Honor might be worth checking out. I'd say the combat gets stale after a while despite its control scheme being fairly unique, but to be honest I don't think this game lasts long enough for that to become an issue. The melee combat and the boss fights remained my favorite things all the way to the end, shooting sections occur every now and then and they do a decent job at adding some variety to the gameplay, but the stealth sections can fuck right off.

Really nice movie, if only the game that came along with it was good as well.