Pretty fun when the game is working properly, some of the best 3D Sonic stages in general are found here, on the other hand it's absolutely infuriating when I'm there kicking ass with all my characters at level 3, in a nearly flawless run... Only to get killed by some fucking bullshit like falling off the loop because the script broke, a spring/ramp not working the way it should or randomly careening off the platform into a bottomless pit.

If I had to pick any Sonic game to get a remake, it would be this one, at least Adventure 1 is still a solid game, but Heroes actually is a waste of great level designs, ideas and music.

You know they fucked up when navigating through the fucking menu of a game is a pain in the ass, holy fucking shit man. I mean, of course this is garbage, it's a kinect game, but even for that standard it still manages to be pretty awful.

The theme song is nice though.

My favorite memory related to this game is when I was playing it for the first time, my brother would occasionally stop by to watch when he had nothing better to do. There was this one time when I was playing one of the Laguna sections, a battle started and The Man With the Machine Gun played, after a few seconds my brother said "Wow, this battle theme is so much better than that lame-ass one that played all the time before." referring to Don't Be Afraid in the Squall part.

While I don't agree that Don't Be Afraid sucks, I absolutely cannot argue against Man With the Machine Gun being vastly superior, that's like a 6/10 track compared to a 9/10 track.

"There's just one legitimately good stage"

No, there's just one legitimately bad stage, Scrap Brain Act 2, the other "bad" ones are just you whining because this platform game is being a platform game and doesn't let you just hold right and occasionally jump to win. It's fine, there are other Sonic games that don't require you to be actually good at video games in order to play them. How about trying Sonic Advance 2 or Rush instead? They seem to be more up your alley with their lack of substance in gameplay.

Alright, I'll admit Labyrinth Zone kinda sucks as well, but still, Sonic 1 is a perfectly fine game and I doubt anyone can actually make a convincing argument that it has overall poor level design aside from those stages I mentioned.

Pls shut the fuck up

>release a demo for your new game
>spend the following years silent about it
>release the full game out of fucking nowhere
>refuse to elaborate and leave

Coolest looking scarf in video game history

Engaging battle system, generally well-written character interactions, great visuals and music, but unfortunately that wasn't enough to keep me playing when the game as a whole has such a godawful pacing. Most of the attempts at expanding on the dungeons/set pieces of the original game end up being pointless filler just to turn the Midgar portion into a full-length game, even though no one really asked for that.

By the time I got sent to the sewers after the Wall Market segment, I just didn't care anymore, thus I ultimately decided to drop this snoozefest and go play something else while I still had my cousin's PS4. The story was also losing me the more it went on, I wasn't liking the fact that Sephiroth was appearing every 5 minutes, the way those ghost things worked seemed completely arbitrary and don't even get me started on the hints that Aerith's fate might be changed.

To be honest, I don't think FFVII even needed a remake in the first place. The original game is perfectly fine as it is aside from maybe the graphics, a couple of late game materias being utterly broken and the shitty english translation, and all of those can be addressed with mods and/or patches if they bother you so much. Even so, the fact that this is what we ended up getting for a FFVII remake is pretty regrettable anyway. Yes, I know this is just the first part and all, if you liked FFVII Remake and want more, then good for you. As for me, I'll just pull a Cloud and say: Not interested.

PS: To give this a little bit of credit, it was an improvement over the Compilation of FFVII. Not that it means much, since a literal turd is better than the Compilation of FFVII, but it's something, I guess.


"Yo let's make a Sonic game for people who don't like Sonic"

I seriously have no idea why people like Sonic Rush, no matter how much I think about it or try playing it, I always get to the same conclusion: It's terrible in almost every relevant aspect of a Sonic game.

The level design here is downright repetitive, mediocre at best and frustrating at worst. When a stage isn't on autopilot it just throws you into a bottomless pit out of nowhere, or throw in precision platforming sections that don't complement the loose controls, positioned over bottomless pits, of course, or maybe you'll get thrown into those dull "combat" sections where you have to kill all enemies in the room to proceed, none of which present any real challenge. People always complain when the 3D games do that shit, so why is it okay when this one does the exact same thing?

And Jesus fucking Christ the bosses are unironically the worst fights in the entire series. I know Sonic games were never known for having great bosses, but for the most part they didn't stand out in a negative way either. Not in Sonic Rush, though, because every boss fight in this shit drags on for what seems to be an eternity, even the first boss takes roughly 2 minutes to beat, they always repeat the same long attack patterns and you're forced to just dodge and wait until they finally reveal their weak point so you can finally hit it, now repeat that for seven more times. They're not challenging, I didn't have a hard time beating them, they were just boring and repetitive, much like the regular stages.

Sonic Rush epitomizes everything that's wrong with 2D Sonic games made by Dimps, it might not be the worst of the bunch, after all we still have Sonic 4 Episode I, but it's like they took the worst aspects of Sonic Advance 2 and 3, then proceeded to take the worst aspects of Heroes and made an entire game out of that. I hardly see what's the difference between this and something like Sonic Forces, which is rightfully criticized for having shallow style-over-substance level design and platforming sections that don't complement the character's movements. Did I play the same game I always see other people raving about? Because it definitely doesn't feel like I did.

We already have Fall Guys at home

Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited is the synthesis of a phlegmatic work of art that rises through the passage of time, and in its withering it finds the transcendence of its identity, its structure is frugal but its vision unscathed and a sine qua non of the hardship of its journey, despite being perennial, it shines bright in the end.

Note to self: Don't drink tap water at Jerry Garcia's.

Went in expecting to not like this one all that much since it doesn't have a particularly good reputation among the community, but it turned out to be a pretty solid Megaman title with some really good weapons and a revamp of MM7's bolt system, with those being treated as collectibles hidden in the stages instead of enemies dropping the shit out of them and you being able to just grind for them. I could go either way, to be honest, but some of the upgrades you can buy with the bolts are pretty cool, like the charged shot variants, the one that negates knockback when you get hit, though having to buy the option to exit stages you've already beaten is kinda shit. Speaking of things that are kinda shit, some of the stages in this game do kinda suck, but I feel they're definitely a minority, and I'm talking exclusively about the infamous JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE sections in Frost Man's stage the mazes in Astro Man's stage and that fucking flying section in Wily's fortress that can go suck a big fat wiener. The other stages range from fun to honestly peak classic Megaman, though.

Overall, I liked it quite a bit, it's nowhere near my favorite games in the series, but it was a good time. Since my opinion is the only objectively correct one, that means MM8 is objectively good and you guys are just too mean.