Kinda wild how an entire generation was gaslit into believing this was a bad remake because of swearing being more censored. Never mind that it controls better, has a good chunk of the annoying segments of the original game either minimized or cut out entirely, the music sounds even better now with actual instruments being used, and it's also one of the best looking Xbox games.

By the way, you can deactivate the censorship with Potty Mouth Mode, I don't think too many people know that.

Went in expecting to not like this one all that much since it doesn't have a particularly good reputation among the community, but it turned out to be a pretty solid Megaman title with some really good weapons and a revamp of MM7's bolt system, with those being treated as collectibles hidden in the stages instead of enemies dropping the shit out of them and you being able to just grind for them. I could go either way, to be honest, but some of the upgrades you can buy with the bolts are pretty cool, like the charged shot variants, the one that negates knockback when you get hit, though having to buy the option to exit stages you've already beaten is kinda shit. Speaking of things that are kinda shit, some of the stages in this game do kinda suck, but I feel they're definitely a minority, and I'm talking exclusively about the infamous JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE sections in Frost Man's stage the mazes in Astro Man's stage and that fucking flying section in Wily's fortress that can go suck a big fat wiener. The other stages range from fun to honestly peak classic Megaman, though.

Overall, I liked it quite a bit, it's nowhere near my favorite games in the series, but it was a good time. Since my opinion is the only objectively correct one, that means MM8 is objectively good and you guys are just too mean.

Yeah it's worse than the og Riders gameplay-wise, but damn do I dig the visuals, the music and the gravity gimmick even if it's a bit underused. The story is okay, I guess? I like the additions to the lore on the babylonians and whatnot, but the narrative relies a bit too much on exposition dumps, this definitely could have been told in a more interesting way, but eh.

It's hysterical how Sonic 06 apologists have a hard-on for making this game out to be the spawn of Satan when it's still not as bad as the one they defend, get a grip guys lmao

This review contains spoilers

Don't you just hate it when a game railroads you into doing a certain thing to progress on it and then proceeds to try to make you feel bad as if you ever had any say on the matter? It's basically what Totono does in its attempt at deconstructing romance VNs, and it didn't click with me at all. Maybe it's aimed at people who self-insert into the protagonists of the VNs they play or something, but as someone who sees himself as merely an observer through the protagonist's point of view, I didn't feel bad for "cheating" on Miyuki with Aoi after promising I'll be faithful to her, because as far as I was concerned, the one who promised to be faithful to her was that route's version of Shinichi, and the one who went with Aoi never made any promises to Miyuki.

Even if I were to examine my actions as the player, all I did was just follow the path the game was setting up for me and then experimenting with the choices in the second playthrough. Should I feel guilty about that? And most importantly, should I feel sympathetic towards fucking Miyuki? Sure, I may have "cheated" on her, but she literally murders Shinichi, Aoi and even the cat who had nothing to do with any of this without any sort of remorse. She also attemps to gaslight me throughout the rest of the game, she manipulates and negatively affects the lives of everyone else for her own benefit, she's plainly a selfish cunt. I assumed Miyuki was the villain of the game much like Monika was in DDLC, but unlike Monika, Miyuki never takes responsibility for her actions, all she does is blame other people for the shit she pulls off and feels like the writers actually agree with that reasoning, even the ending was unsatisfying as hell because Aoi who hasn't really done anything wrong suffers the biggest consequence by disappearing from the game and everyone's memories, while it's heavily implied that Miyuki and Shinichi will get a happy ending together eventually.

What made me curious to check Totono out was the fact that VN weebs kept talking about how it's the "good version" of DDLC, some even accusing DDLC of ripping this off and shit. Obviously that made me create high expectations, since I liked the concept of DDLC but felt it could have been more fleshed out, but I felt especially let down in this case because DDLC arguably does the whole meta twist thing better than Totono by being more immersive with the files, the random glitches and that kind of stuff, it also has a better antagonist character that the game actually treats as such. Totono was probably the most disappointing VN I've played in a while, and while I wouldn't say it's necessarily bad, it has a handful of interesting moments and ideas, but they're misused for the most part.

Truly the most winner game I've ever played

Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited is the synthesis of a phlegmatic work of art that rises through the passage of time, and in its withering it finds the transcendence of its identity, its structure is frugal but its vision unscathed and a sine qua non of the hardship of its journey, despite being perennial, it shines bright in the end.

Sonic Unleashed without the shitty parts? Sure, I'll take it.

Nier Automata fans try to discuss anything remarkable from their favorite game aside from the main character's ass challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

The allusions to mental illnesses were much more interesting than the game's attempt at deconstrucing VNs with all the meta stuff that takes over the second half, which is serviceable, I'd be lying if I said it was poorly done or anything, but maybe I've just grown numb to that kind of twist. The characters by themselves are likeable, but since the game doesn't really do much with them due to its shift in focus, I can't help but feel I would rather get to know them better over what I ended up getting.

There are mods that offer a more character-driven take on DDLC, like Blue Skies, Window to Your Heart and the upcoming Brand New Day, and to be honest I find a handful of those better than the original game, especially since they actually make the protagonist a better chaaracter too. It's interesting in a sense that I know why it ended up getting popular, but at the same time it does feel half-baked.

Better than Sonic 06, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Lost World and Megaman X6.

What does Megaman X6 have to do with this? Nothing, but fuck Megaman X6 anyway.

US soundtrack is better and I'm tired of pretending it's not

How the fuck did they get away with showing Tails' asshole in the intro scene?

It's like Resident Evil 4, but hornier