Amazingly fun for what feels like an early flash game you'd see on Newgrounds in 2012.

The not-so-cool People Playground.

Pretty interesting premise, but pretty bullshit difficulty.

Man, this fucking game will probably go down as one of the my favorite video games of all time. The story, characters, hell, even the gameplay is pretty enriching. Good times were had by all with this game back in 2012.

The two words I can really say about this game are "nostalgic" and "difficult".

Can't really blame the first episode too much for having a lot of road bumps.

Only better than Counter-Strike: Source in one aspect: bots. I adore how you can control bots once you die. That comes into play a lot, since I suck at playing a lof of multi-player deathmatch games and play with bots instead of real people. That, and the skin stuff, but that's about it. Everything else is what I would repeatedly dub, "not as good as Source".

Certainly an extraordinary Valve game, better than the original, but not worthy of too many awards. Maybe 2, at best. It seems that they sprinkled in some of the Valve charm into the game, but dumped some other stuff in there that I can't put my finger on. Tl;dr, good, but certainly not Valve's single crowning achievement.

World's best hat simulator 2022. 'Nuff said.

Kinda linear, but takes some pages out of vanilla Postal 2's book. Good job, RWS!

I would give this game a higher rating if I could play the damn thing.

Once again, this game is better in multiplayer.

Yeah, no thanks. I'll just stick to my Doom and Quake games for right now.