Used to main this guy back when he was the only piece of DLC I owned.

Pretty good for the first batch of DLC.

Had more fun making characters than actually playing the game.

Goddammit, Capcom! Where the hell is SF 3?

Still ain't no SR4, but still a fine, and fun, piece of work.

Even more main-able than Joker and Min-Min. Somehow.

Nope, still the same, shitty Quake II.

Never played this version-- I can't seem to find the version I played in school. But, I suppose it is the same thing I used to play at school in my free time all the time.

Pretty underwhelming for an MK game. But, eh, I can forgive it this time, for it was their first attempt.

Surprisingly better than the first.

Man, I love this game, mostly for nostalgia sakes. I still have memories of me playing the demo for this game non-stop and bashing my board against citizens' faces. Good thing I got to play the full thing when my brother got it for his Xbox One.


Skate AKA The Not-So-Cool Skate 3.

Pretty satisfying, kinda boring at points (and tedious), but fun.

I regret buying this even though I didn't even buy it.

For a Quake game, its not that bad. Really helped set itself apart from the first Quake. Good riddance.