Pretty satisfying experience. All around an okay game. Just wish one game didn't take, like, 8 hours or some shit.

Great With Friends

Fatalities Feel Weird When Trying to Preform Them
Not So Gruesome and Short X-Rays
Weird Glitch Involving Local Multi-player

Pretty much the same thing as the original, just with some nice gameplay changes sprinkled in, so read my DOOM review if you want to know what I think about this.

Just read my DOOM review to know what I think. You know the drill.

Still ain't no SR4, but still a fine, and fun, piece of work.

One of the best fighting games ever made. Need I say more? No.

Pretty underwhelming for a GTA game.

Never played this version-- I can't seem to find the version I played in school. But, I suppose it is the same thing I used to play at school in my free time all the time.

Pretty immersive, pretty fun, that's all there is to it.

Pretty underwhelming for an MK game. But, eh, I can forgive it this time, for it was their first attempt.

Pretty good, pretty addicting. That's all there is to it.


I mean, I am sure that this game was the shit back then, likely due to its graphical capabilities. But, nowadays, its just ok. Pretty rage-inducing, but ok.

Pretty good follow-up to Undertale, but still just feels different, both in a good and bad way.

Not as bad as everyone says it is. Kinda weak roster, sure, but the gameplay works fine.

Even more main-able than Joker and Min-Min. Somehow.