A peaceful, ambient puzzle game with gorgeous abstract greyscale art and a reverby minimalist piano soundtrack. The puzzles aren't too hard but are satisfying to work out. The gameplay being so slow is a little frustrating at times when you've worked out how to complete the puzzle but now have to slowly walk around the screen to actually solve it. Completely different mood but would put it alongside Limbo and Inside. There's a bug on the final level on Switch that means I can't complete, which is very frustrating.

Chess, but for killing monsters with awesome robots.

Probably the most returned to game I've ever played. It is fun, accessible but challenging, and keeps you wanting to complete every achievement – completing specific wins and unlocking bonus squads.

The design is beautiful, the soundtrack is perfect. Such a great game.

There's not as much in the way of gameplay as you might expect, and the gameplay there is can feel either overly forced to be collaborative (the number of obstacles you have to work together to lift or cross that clearly you could just climb over...) or feels like there's not actually a whole load of jeopardy at play. That said, the development of the two characters and the unfolding of the story – as well as the various Easter eggs, and really fun mini games (I smashed the horse shoe throwing but got battered at the arm wrestle) throughout – make this a really engaging and fun play through. And the ending is absolutely worth it.

There's a lot I like about this. The concept is cute and interesting. The artwork and environment looks great. The gameplay is pretty fun to start with. But after a while it just gets repetitive and dull. There's no real jeopardy, risk of consequences for doing anything wrong. There's no real challenge in terms of the problems you have to solve. And there's no real narrative development. Shame!

Incredible game. Tense, suspenseful, full of exploring and discovery, and characters you really care about. Very beautiful, excellent voice acting, and a well executed soundtrack to amplify the spooky feeling when required. Anyone complaining about the ending it a moron.

Extremely basic (says the adult playing the game clearly targeted at children)

A puzzle platformer metroidvania with critters to meet, eggs to unearth and tools to discover. Right up my street. While at times the puzzles and the sheer vastness of the map can get frustrating and overwhelming – for me you get lost, run in circles and die a little too often – when something finally clicks and you have a whole new world to discover it's so satisfying. Maybe not quite up there with Hollow Knight for me but not far off – great game. And while I've beat the final "boss", I've still got bits of the map to work out how to get into, eggs to discover and beasts to free. Back to it!

A beautiful, engaging, enchanting game with ab ever-growing and unique map, interesting unlocked abilities, and challenging but satisfying boss fights. Probably my favourite game of all time!

A relatively simple but far from easy and very satisfying strategy game where you use your archers, pikemen and swordsman to defend a series of small islands from ship-based attackers who come in increasingly challenging and complex shapes and sizes as you travel across the map. The simplicity in this game design is the key but that doesn't stop it being very repeat-able. Great fun

A dark, atmospheric and tense 2D puzzle platformer with subtle but effective elements of horror and even a sprinkling of gore. The often physics-based puzzles are challenging and satisfying and the story – while not explicit – is great fun to work out and watch play out. This is my favourite game to watch other people play.

Like Pokémon, but with golf doesn't sound like a game that should work but it totally does. While the golf gameplay is the vehicle for this, it's the amusing and engaging story, fun challenges, pixel graphics and catchy soundtrack that make this really playable. I only wish it were a little longer! The multiplayer mode is good fun also.