I dont know why people absolutely despire the cartoony aesthetic of the game, but im lovin it. The story-mode is mid, but hey, this game is kinda unique, and its fun to play :D. It gets a bit grindy though, so you might wanna mod it up a bit

Just play it. No story bs, pure arcade, and Oh BOY is it a blast, gah dayum, the perfect ratio of arcadey driving and combat mechanics.

The singleplayer was too short, but kinda fun :D. The multiplayer is a damn blast, no other racing-mp has this sense of speed right now. It's very keyboard and mice friendly.

Combat is a bit repetitive, but the atmosphere more than makes up for it.

Fast and Furious ass story, but its quite fun aint gna lie lmao

MAYBE I'LL PLAY IT AGAIN AFTER I GET A DAMNED CONTROLLER. Don't even bother playing it on Mouse and keyboards.

if you can bear with the performance issues, its a fun ride :D or you could jus mod-fix the performance. Really enjoyed the story, and side quests are great as well.

Platforming is lowkey annoying, but a banger nevertheless. Nothing feels more satisfying than jus pulling a perfect weapon combo lol.
Oh and Meathook.


Play this in nightmare for the time of your life bro

Wretched fps cap, and it kinda breaks the game to uncap it. Amazing bite-sized arcade racer

Game is too short, but this defines simcade genre, really enjoyed the story :D, multiplayer is alright, handling feels very responsive and fluid.

Exquisite sound design, makes me question my sanity

banger multiplayer, and story, only con is there's no titanfall 3 T_T