I've only played two levels and it's already my favorite game of 2023. Not that hard to be the best when the only other 2023 game I've played is Counter-Strike 2.

Dumbest thing that happened to me in this game was when I went on the Swamp Cinema server (the only one I went on) and decided to pick a random movie from Letterboxd and watch it on one of the theaters that nobody ever goes in (a shack in a swamp behind the theater itself). The roulette picked Transformers: The Movie from 1985.

I find it on YouTube, start watching, and about 2 mins later this guy comes in and decides to watch it with me, he had some anime avatar model, I don't remember the girl it was. Turns out this guy just happened to be a MASSIVE fucking Transformers/Gundam figurine collector, which was something I had NO INTEREST IN AT ALL.

After he gets interrupted telling me the prices of rare Gundam figurines on Ebay by a group of other gamers with MLP avatar models (yes you could do that on this server) fighting outside our swamp house, he proceeds to explain further about his collection, even posting pictures in the chat of his own figures.

If only this guy knew I didn't give a damn about his nerd shit at all, I kept trying to ease him out of the conversation so many times. It was only when I told him bluntly that I wasn't interested in talking about this and he kept on talking like I said nothing that I disconnected from the game and uninstalled Garry's Mod for a good 2 years.

I'd like to thank that guy for being such a fucking nerd, otherwise I would have become a degenerate GMod RPer instead of a TF2 2Fort tryhard.

I only played for 30 mins just so I could add to the negative reviews on Steam cause I already hated this franchise to begin with lmao. OW1 was better, I'll say that.

My estranged aunt loved this game back in the early 2010s, I've never asked her if she had credit card debt cause I haven't spoken to her more than 2 to 3 times a year for almost 8 years.

Only thing I remember from this game a year after beating it are the soda machines that give you health working in a hospital that had it's power cut due to gangs invading the hospital to kill a higher up leader of your gang.

I was punished for using the god mode cheat this game has by my Gamecube crashing near the end of the game and corrupting my entire memory card.

I loved this game when I played it but this is still probably the worst financial decision I have ever made in my life, at least I was 16 at the time but at this point I don't think it matters that much how old I was anymore, I'm still making dumbass decisions well into adulthood now.

I would say I'm nostalgic for this game if I wasn't 3 years old when it came out, 16 when I finally bought a copy (Gamecube copies were 40 DOLLARS back in 2016 for some reason), and 21 when I finally had time to beat it completely.

First and only match I played I was in a lobby with a guy named ''Nigga Coochie Biter'', who taunted me before the round start, then proceeded to kill me in one hit, disconnected and uninstalled faster than any other game I have ever played.

Remembered my grandma walking in on me while playing this in high school and uninstalling immediately after she left the room, memories like this popping into my head out of the blue have further stunted my growth and increased my paranoia and anxiety into adulthood.

This game gave me permanent skill issue disorder to the point where my entire life is a skill issue now.