Extremely fun arcade game. Very simple controls, it has a lot of charm.
Matches basically revolve around who can get the powerstones first so that you unlock this powered-up form of yourself. It's up to you how you manage that. Use items that randomly spawn, use the environment and throw stuff, attack the opponent directly. Stay back to wait for a powerstone to spawn. It's really just a fun game. I enjoyed it a lot. I highly recommend it.

Okay pac-man type of game. You have to color the entire stage, as you're playing a brush.
The monsters are faster than you, so if they end up chasing you, you're done. This can feel a bit frustrating. The only way to get rid of them is to hope they go into the path of a roller and that you can reach the roller in front of them to crush them.
It's a short game, 6 stages, but there are multiple paths. Each stage has a pokemon-like animal which you can collect and it gets saved in a collection list.

Feels really good to play. Great atmosphere and sound design. It takes a while until you get some fun modifiers for your weapon. Runs don't feel that different from each other. You're constantly unlocking permanent weapon traits so you're always progressing something even if you die.
Bosses are a spectacle, difficult at first.
Took me around 20 hours to get to the credits. I recommend a playthrough, was pretty fun.

It's a good turned-based tactics game. Some maps feel like puzzles you have to solve. Patience is important, you have to plan your moves carefully or you'll easily get overwhelmed. The AI can be exploited a bit which helps (it hates APCs and transporters).
Music is pleasant. Sound effects are adequate.
You get multiple characters with their own ability and pros and cons. They all can use the same units, but each character gets its own bonus/debuff (better/worse close range/long range).
Some maps have a fog of war, which makes you unable to see the enemy on the map. I really dislike these kinds of maps as they reward trial and error more than careful planning. I often had to restart on these maps.
Another big gripe is the length of some missions, the final battle in particular took me one third of the entire playtime of the game (9h 30 minutes for the final battle alone, the game took me around 27 hours in total including the tutorial). The tutorial is also around 5 hours, but they are pretty close to actual missions so it's fine.
Overall, I recommend it. Just be prepared to restart a few times

This must be the shortest game I ever played. I finished it in just about 11 minutes. I know you're supposed to play multiple times, but still.
The controls actually feel very smooth to me. Having the left joystick act as the trackball, you can get some really precise movement. The problem is that your body is huge so you're a big target.
It's not too difficult, I ended up using about one continue per chapter. But again, it's just... so short.
Playing as a fire breathing mech dragon was pretty nice tho.

A little slow paced, but that's expected of trails.
Not as good as either the first chapter of Sky or the first game of the Crossbell duology. I feel like it could have ended earlier.
Still enjoyed it and will continue to play the other games in the series.

This is a very good game. Really short and just the right difficulty. You can always continue if you fail, you have passwords for each level. Graphics are great, music is great, platforming feels pretty good. Donald walks a bit slow I guess, but I got used to it.
There are some heavy slowdowns at some points, but it's manageable.
Highly recommend a playthrough for this one.

It looks good. Animations are good. Battle system is ok, very simple and easy.

My biggest gripe is the fade to black transitions. They are everywhere. Before the beginning of any cutscene, change of characters, walking through a door. It's used everywhere when possible to avoid actually showing an animation.
Second gripe is the backtracking. Feels like a lot of time is being wasted backtracking, especially in the first area you visit(which is also the largest, making you think the game is bigger than it actually is).

I think I would have enjoyed this more if it did either a fully original story, or fully committed to retelling the anime story. It tries to do both, but does neither very well.

I can only recommend it to one piece fans and even then, it's hard to recommend this game. It's most of the time boring with some good bits here and there.

Probably the best game you can play on PSVR2 at the moment. Takes advantage of the headset's strengths: perfect blacks as this game takes place in a dark setting and blinding lights when using a flash grenade.

Many accessibility features, I recommend turning on the laser sight, makes the game more enjoyable.

Has some of the best moments I've seen in VR, for me the cart rides and the jetski segments were the highlight. So much fun.

The game does have moments when it goes into third person, while getting hit or performing certain actions, but it's not that bad. I wonder if there was a way to make this game entirely third person.

Some context sensitive animations could have used a bit of work, for example if you trigger a stabbing animation with the knife while holding it in the left hand, it always plays out using the right hand. Not a big deal though.

A must play for any psvr2 owner.

I had fun with this one.
Gameplay is excellent, many weapons and parts so you can build the armored core of your liking. You can get quite overpowered with the right build.
Story presentation is kind of lacking. I didn't really care for it. It's told in radio calls and messages and you never see a human, just mechs. That's fine though, the gameplay makes up for it.
You have to do multiple playthroughs to unlock all the missions. It's nowhere near the level of what the Nier games do with new game+. I would have preferred it if all missions could be done in one playthrough. You end up repeating a lot of the missions.

Holy shit that ending... most of the game is very slow paced like cold steel 1 all over again, but if cold steel 4 can keep the momentum of the ending, then I'm looking forward to it.

It's picross. Not sure why it's Mario's, there are hardly any mario related pictures in it.
It's lacking any QoL. When you complete a number in a row or column, it doesn't get marked.
While it's possible to finish the puzzles without guessing, it does get very difficult. Some of them take up to 1 hour for me(especially starting with the time trials). Maybe I'm just bad. I stopped after 7 time trials.
There are 256 puzzles in total. They get more difficult as you progress. First puzzles will only take a couple of minutes or less, then it ramps up.
Not sure I can recommend this one, when there are so many more picross games. Nothing wrong with this one, and I was curious how it was, but it's probably a better idea to start from the newer titles and go backwards so you don't get burned out by playing the old ones.

Short arcade game. Definitely designed to take all your money, it has some really nice visuals for the time(detailed backgrounds and character sprites), great music and very difficult gameplay. Often feels unfair. Thanks to infinite continues though, this is a fun little time waster.

It's got an unusual ultra wide aspect ratio(I think it's 24:9). Basically 3 4:3 displays.

There are many new enemies added, I enjoyed fighting all of them. I started on Show me resolve, then bumped it up to Show me Courage then put it back to Show me resolve. I found myself having a pretty easy time with resolve, but actually dying and having to run multiple times with courage.(maybe skill issue?)

I liked the story aspect of it too, at least the parts related to Kratos. I didn't really care about the Valkyrie's stories which are always paused in-between runs. By the time I finish a run and the valkyrie can continue the story, I've lost interest.

It was a fun 10 hours for me. I wouldn't have minded paying 10, max 20 euro for this, but it's free so that's even better.

This is just an ok game. Not great, not horrible. Combat does its job, but it has some problems.
Each enemy is weak to a weapon (not weapon type). You can only equip 2 weapons at a time, so you have to pause the game, and change the weapon if you want to take advantage of a weakness and don't have the weapon already equipped.
Similar thing with spells and elemental damage. You can equip 4 elements, but there are 6 so sometimes you need to pause mid-combat as the game mixes enemies often. I really dislike this.
Story is also just okay. There are multiple endings, the 'true" ending is the most satisfying one. The most interesting is the "audio books" which tells the backstory of your party members. Acting is good, I recognized some voices(japanese) from anime
Boss fights are meh. Pretty easy to exploit their weakness, except for the final bosses. Those were a bit more difficult.