One of, if not the best persona 5 spin off.

It's a tactics game as the title says. Main missions are very easy, but there are some optional quests which are more like puzzles. Some of them took me a while to figure out, really glad they're there.

The new characters are the stars of the show. They have an interesting story and relationship, and the voice actors do a phenomenal job(played it with japanese voices).

The presentation during the story is mostly a visual novel style, but despite the simplistic art style, there is a lot of detail here, such as the lip flaps matching the voices.
During some of the more important moments, there are full-blown cutscenes, some of them 2D(usually shorter), some of them 3D, all of them awesome when you see them.

The game's length is just about right, it ends before it overstays its welcome. It's shorter than the other spin offs (mainly the persona Q games) at around 30 hours while doing the optional quests.

The music is also as good as you'd expect.

I played it on the lenovo legion go, I think this type of game is perfect for a handheld. So if you can, get it on the switch, or on a handheld PC. I feel like the character portraits and the chat boxes would be too big on a 4K TV.

Best 2D mario game since New Super Mario Bros for the DS.
It still shares some DNA with the "New" series (most evident in the bowser jr. boss fights), but there's many different things here. Animations, enemies, power ups, music are all wonderful.

The online was really well done, you see ghosts of other players in realtime, they can leave a standee in the level and when you die, if you touch either the standee or a player within 5 seconds, you get back to life.

Pretty easy overall, except for some of the final levels. 100% completing this game is a joy, highly recommend going for every wonder seed and all secret exits of a level. Play until it has a checkmark in the level select.

This game was more frustrating than satisfying for me.
The Difficulty is all over the place. I've spent around 1 hour just on the 3rd boss. The 2nd phase is actually my favourite from this game, because you can actually predict its attacks. But the 1st phase is awful.
I feel like I've beaten the final boss more by luck than skill. I can't react fast enough to his attacks, it's difficult for me to tell what he is going to do.
Punches feel kind of weak. Controls are a bit stiff. Parry timing is very strict.
Maybe I'm just bad at the game, but I didn't have that much fun with it and I don't feel the need to keep playing to improve my scores/finish at a younger age.

A flawed game, but has enough good in it to be more fun than frustrating.
I played it after the updates.
All the songs from the zone bosses found their way into my playlist. They're peak sonic music.
The pop-in is atrocious. I wish you could see the platforms from much further away than you can. They just pop into existence as you're platforming.
It feels janky overall, but I don't regret playing it.

If you can look past the story which is almost non-existent, there is a really good game here. Great level design, very good music, engaging battle system.
Should have at least an auto-save system. When you interact with a Leyline, I feel like it should also auto-save in one of the slots. There are 20 save-slots at least which is good.
Performance is pretty bad during exploration though. The Switch was pushed beyond its limit, but still an overall enjoyable experience.

I enjoyed this game a lot. There's a lot of talking, but everything is voice acted. I appreciate that.

Main loop of the game is talk to heroes, do a main mission, talk some more, maybe explore the Abbey grounds, do another mission and repeat. But it never got boring for me. The characters kept me interested. The story isn't that compelling, but speaking with everyone is. At least to me it is.

I played this with all the DLCs and I recommend that, as they are integrated pretty well with the main story and they have comments on the events happening. It really helps with the pacing too, as you basically have 2 main story missions to juggle between, keeping things fresh.

Combat is a mix of tactics and card game, every card has an unique animation attached to it. It really feels like the devs put a lot of care into this game.

There are some bugs, like a cosmetic armor not being received from a chest which is tied to a trophy. Sometimes it looks like the animations don't play out and it takes a few seconds for the game to resolve itself. I never got softlocked though.
Technically, the game doesn't look very impressive, character models can be lacking, but I can forgive it. It looks good during the combat.

I finished the game at 65 in-game days, which took me around 77 hours. So it's a very long game. After you finish the game, you can keep playing and you start getting cosmetics as rewards from the missions. But I'm satisfied with what I've played. I highly recommend this, it's truly a great game, if you're a marvel fan, you must at least give it a try.


Cute VR game which is actually designed to be played sitting.

I enjoyed every puzzle room, Quill's animations look really nice, music is fitting, though sometimes the sound effects can be a bit loud.

It feels aimed at kids with the story book presentation, I didn't really care for it, but I liked the gameplay and level design. Also, for some reason the "pits" or places where you'd expect to be completey black, are a dark shade of grey. Not sure if it's a design choice or a color reproduction problem with the PSVR2 port.

Took me 4 hours for a playthrough, I wish there was a collectible counter per screen and not per chapter so I knew where I missed something.

Highly recommend it on a sale or with the book 1 and 2 bundle.

Best story I've played in a while. I didn't enjoy the gameplay very much so I just put it on the easiest difficulty, but the presentation is very impressive. I feel like my mind has been fucked and I loved it.
If there is one game I'd love a tv show adaption of, it's this one.

A really fun and short visual novel. Takes around 2 hours.
The soundtrack is very good, the music fits every scene and for the runtime, it's got plenty of tracks.
Not difficult at all and I'd say it's impossible to get stuck, but I really enjoyed it. I recommend it if you like games like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa.

Activating combat mode.

I really enjoyed the main story for this one. The cutscenes are very good, however the most impressive ones are low quality FMVs.(I guess it couldn't be helped since it comes from a PSP game, they probably don't have higher quality versions). Everything is voice acted and you can choose japanese voices, which I prefer. Cutscenes are also lip-synced to the japanese dub.

The combat is simplistic and starts to get repetitive. So does the combat music. But the story-music is fantastic.
There's a materia fusion system which, if used properly, can get you pretty overpowered for the main story(I got something like +270% HP for example).

It's pretty short when focusing on the main story(around 12-15 hours).

There are A LOT of short optional missions. I only did some of them until I got some good unlocks(like materia, accessory slots, summons and a few decent accessories).

I recommend it. It's a nice game.

Conflict resolved.

Good game. But very short. It took me a bit over an hour to finish the main levels. Then you can keep playing the same levels with some challenges added.
You need a decent amount of space to play it. I recommend it on a very deep sale.

A short and fun experience. Controls feel a bit weird until you get used to them, but when you do, the game is over(the main campaign at least). Takes just under 5 hours for the main story and there are some side challenges.
Voice acting is good, I wish there were more set pieces. But overall, a good time. Just buy it on sale, it's not worth the full price.

Enjoyed it, but not as much as I expected. Music is still great, exploring is nice and feels rewarding, but the story was a bit confusing to me.
It's pretty welcoming to returning players (I've finished XC3 around one year ago) and there are enough tutorials to get by.
The presentation is as always just incredible.
Looking forward to what will come out next from Monolith.

It's a fun versus shmup, patience is rewarded as the goal is to destroy the bigger enemies which cause an explosion an then chain-kill the smaller enemies. This will send a projectile to the enemy, which can then be sent back to you by destroying it as an "enhanced"(faster/glowy) projectile and if you send this projectile back to your opponent, it will send a special attack which is different for each character.

The more you play, the more you start noticing the same patterns.

Each stage has different models for the monsters, different songs, backgrounds, etc. The music is very good, it has high-energy vibes.

There are some slowdowns when there is a lot happening on screen, it can actually be helpful to understand what's going on as there can be a lot on the screen at once.

The AI is weird. Sometimes it will dodge everything you throw at it in stage 1 and other times it will fail in stage 5 in the first 20 seconds. Your best bet is to try and do as many chain attacks as possible and survive for as long as possible, but the CPU can move faster than you so it can dodge stuff you can't. In the end, you get the feeling it all boils down to a little bit of luck.

I recommend this one. One run is around 20-30 minutes, beating it with every character took me around 7 hours.

Plays well, sounds well, looks great. Just the right amount of difficulty. A checkpoint was never too far. Doesn't take advantage of its gimmick as much as I would've liked. I feel like Guacamelee did a similar concept better.

I liked the dialogue, it was really funny. But the amount of dialogue is not the same throughout the whole game. There's a lot more in the beginning and as you reach the mid-point, it starts getting less and less.

The first half is really good, then it gets a bit worse as it "opens up" and turns into a backtracking filled metroidvania. Would have been better if it allowed you more fast travel, but as it is now, you'll end up going through the same areas multiple times. Or even better, if the whole game was just linear. I would've preferred more linear stages instead of what we've got here.
Gets back on track towards the end as it starts becoming linear again.

Overall, I enjoyed my time with it. Worth a playthrough.