spent way too long perfecting all the levels so i might be biased from achievement burnout but overall was a cute little rhythm game with good artstyle and pretty decent music. some levels i absolutely loved (the entirety of night 2) and some i absolutely hated, but that just might be because i've been forever ruined by rhythm doctor for other rhythm games.

core gameplay loop is so friggin fun especially those few first hours but it can be mentally exhausting after a long session since it relies heavily on communication.

artstyle is cute, the songs bop, and the concept is solid but the execution not so much. the gameplay gets stale real quick and the puzzles got more and more wack as the game went on to a point where i felt it was more guessing than actually figuring out a logical order.

the gimmick is fun and i can definitely see how it gets people hooked, but man there's so much downtime and waiting for specific convos to happen again because you missed one line of dialogue just makes me be like. why.

awesome art direction and music, some occasional cool shit like the platformer levels, ui and game mechanics are a bit unclear and left me wondering 'huh so what exactly is this game's hook again like what am i even doing this for', gameplay loop and combat is just,, fine?? and i wish there was more story woven into the actual game.
lots of potential here and i'll be revisiting when the game fully releases but all in all my experience with this game was noticing all the inspiration drawn from hades and wishing that it'd drawn just a little bit more.

cute art and story that's unfortunately bogged down by mindless, mindless tasks and errands that never seem to end. with other games in this genre like stardew valley keeping you hooked on its gameplay loop by always having something or some goal to look forward to, all this game had me looking forward to was oh my god when is this going to end holy shit hltb says this game is 30 hours

coming over from rhythm doctor (which is one of my favorite games ever) i really really hoped i would enjoy this too, but the one hit and you lose mechanic and the kinda meh graphics and music most of the time got stale for me pretty quickly, which is unfortunate.

basically the second one but not as good or addictive

wish there was a bit more direction on what to do and guided routes through early to mid game. however idk how this game does it but i have never been so addicted to a game where i have no clue wtf im doing in my life.

splatoon 2 but better in pretty much every way, whereas salmon run felt like a side thing in 2 it's definitely as (or even more) fun in 3 and is a particular highlight. i also enjoyed the campaign more than i did in 2
with that being said idk how they managed it but dapple dualies kit is even worse in this game 0/10

definition of cozy gaming. the visuals are absolutely stunning and the soundtrack is definitely going in a cafe playlist or two, and the gameplay although simple has fun puzzles and the sound design makes everything feel amazing to do. the only place where it drags is in the middle where the puzzles just kinda feel stupid and tedious. the camera within an 'animated' space is so genius i can't even begin to fathom how they went about the technicalities of that. there's only one area that i felt didn't feel 3D enough, and that was in the free dlc, which was pretty good though less engaging than the main chapters.
my only complaint would be that the story didn't wrap up neatly enough and that some things didn't really add up, since there just wasn't enough information by the end for any solid conclusion about the big twist to be drawn and when the credits started rolling i was just kinda like 'wait what', which is unfortunate. Everything else in this game is polished and charming to a fault, and definitely made a great two hours spent. Would absolutely love a spiritual sequel with better more cohesive writing.

jam sessions are fun and i appreciate some of the poetry but man this game is boring

the first combat based metroidvania that i actually like. suburb art style and music, though the combat feels off to me for some reason (specifically the long jump and short attack range) and add that to the fact that it's a metroidvania which requires me to go through places in excruciating detail over and over again i get fatigued if i play too long, especially when you're making the long trek back to the boss and really cannot be bothered with the basic enemies that can two-shot you.

i can't quite pinpoint what exactly rhythm doctor's charm is. maybe it's the pixelart, maybe it's the heartfelt dialogue, maybe it's the absolute bop of an ost, but i think it's a mix of that and its creative level design. and the fact that im talking about LEVEL DESIGN for a rhythm game really should say enough, the way it manages to tell stories through each level truly something amazing. act 2 is where the game peaks, but the new act 5 boss might just be one of the best things i've had the pleasure of witnessing.


this game has a constant identity crisis with what it aspires to be (zelda) and what it actually implements (dark souls, though not entirely). the zelda-y parts are amazing and the manual is an absolute standout in how it gets you to figure out stuff with little to no verbal communication at all, and i hope to see more stuff like this in future games. however, the dark souls part is...who thought it was a good idea to make combat and movement clunky as hell and then decide 'yeah let's throw some hard enemies at the player too bc that's going to be fun!'
what tunic does well it does Really well, and there's a lot to be learned from here. it's a genuine shame that it's hard to appreciate those great aspects because of how plainly bad the combat is designed.